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Mister-B 04-05-2013 04:16 PM

Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
I went with a high quality ceramic window tint made by Forumula One, called Pinnacle. It's 35%, meaning that it lets in 35% of light. I could have gone with 15%, but wanted to maintain a more classic look to the truck, and thought that might help.

This ceramic stuff is cool. It really blocks out a lot of the heat, regardless of how dark or light it is. They had a cool display in the store with a heated light, and you could tell a big difference.

Anyway, the cost was $90. I'll probably do my side windows before too long in 50% (which is the darkest I can go in this state on the side anyway). I wanted to see how I liked this rear window before doing the entire truck

Here are some pictures. I'm pleased with the way it looks and feels inside and out, and I'm glad to have something that'll help keep my newly restored interior cooler and looking good longer
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Southcity 04-05-2013 04:34 PM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
Looks great, btw - nice truck with a great patina and digging the stock height and Steelies, well done.

Mister-B 04-05-2013 04:38 PM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included

Originally Posted by Southcity (Post 5993152)
Looks great, btw - nice truck with a great patina and digging the stock height and Steelies, well done.

Thanks! I appreciate that. It's nice to see it coming together.
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Already Gone 04-05-2013 05:47 PM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
1 Attachment(s)
I really like my tinted back window lots better than the slider I used to have in the truck.
Posted via Mobile Device Yours looks really good in your truck.

72 Super 04-05-2013 05:56 PM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included

Looking good and coming along great.


69GWC 04-05-2013 07:03 PM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
Looks good, going to do my back window with 5% and the sides with 35% and get the brow done with 5% hopefully in about 2 weeks. Also getting my other truck done as well with 35% on the side and 5% on the brow.
Tint will save the interior parts from fading as well as keeping it cooler.
Posted via Mobile Device

Mister-B 04-05-2013 07:27 PM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included

Originally Posted by 69GWC (Post 5993367)
Looks good, going to do my back window with 5% and the sides with 35% and get the brow done with 5% hopefully in about 2 weeks. Also getting my other truck done as well with 35% on the side and 5% on the brow.
Tint will save the interior parts from fading as well as keeping it cooler.
Posted via Mobile Device


So, you're going 5% on the rear? That's dark man lol. May as well put on tin foil
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yote1234 04-05-2013 07:32 PM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
looks great! love that truck!!!

69GWC 04-05-2013 07:38 PM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
Its not to bad my Nova has 5% on all the windows but the front and is only bad at night. But I think the darker tint will look good with my dark blue and plus my truck is no where near having a stock look to it.
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Justin36 04-05-2013 07:43 PM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
Looks great Mister B. I love your truck, you've done a great job with it!
Posted via Mobile Device

Mister-B 04-05-2013 08:24 PM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included

Originally Posted by 69GWC (Post 5993419)
Its not to bad my Nova has 5% on all the windows but the front and is only bad at night. But I think the darker tint will look good with my dark blue and plus my truck is no where near having a stock look to it.
Posted via Mobile Device

True. You're right. Will probably go with the rest of your truck well
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Mister-B 04-05-2013 08:27 PM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included

Originally Posted by Justin36 (Post 5993429)
Looks great Mister B. I love your truck, you've done a great job with it!
Posted via Mobile Device

Thanks Justin! And thanks everyone else for the kind words

So, Justin- did you do any tint on your windows? If so, what did you use?
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eldogg 04-05-2013 08:31 PM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
Looks great. Your neck will thank you this summer and I absolutely love your truck. Great job.
Posted via Mobile Device

Mister-B 04-05-2013 08:45 PM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included

Originally Posted by eldogg (Post 5993518)
Looks great. Your neck will thank you this summer and I absolutely love your truck. Great job.
Posted via Mobile Device

Thanks so much

Yeah, my new black interior looks cool, but as we all know, black absorbs more sunlight. The last thing I want, is to bake inside there and also wear out the interior
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piecesparts 04-06-2013 02:45 AM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
I have been through the process of tinting windows on my vehicles numerous times. I must be getting older, because I find the really dark stuff makes me feel that I am in a cave looking out to a sunny place. I like the 35% tint, because it is enough to take the UV rays off of my interior and control the heat, but it does not leave me trying to see out in the dark, when I am backing out from a curb or parking place. I like a windshield with a darker tint at the top, but the tinted material put up there tends to be too dark and I don't like that look that well. It is just too square and defined form my taste. I will go and purchase a tinted windshield with a dark top before I get the tint put on the front.

The state of Kansas highway patrol has a real dislike for the dark tinted windows. It seems they like to be able to see the person in the vehicle, as they walk up to it. They WILL stop people that have dark tint and make them pull the tint right there or ticket them with a fixit ticket, os you have to remove it and pay the fine. The noce thing is that they do this on a cycle of about every two years and then they don't bother for awhile. That time is coming again. The state law is very definite in it's allowance of tint.

69GWC 04-06-2013 07:58 AM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
I have been pulled over a number of times with never having to strip my tint, also only have been pulled over once because of tint and tint was legal. Only the driver side and passenger side front windows have to be legal 35% the rear windows can be painted for that matter.
Posted via Mobile Device

special-K 04-06-2013 09:02 AM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
The back window on a truck is not covered in tint laws,as it should be. Other states my vary,but if they don't allow it,that's ridiculous. A truck can haul a load that blocks rear vision. Special truck bodies block rear visions. Vans could come with no back windows at all. I tint the side windows by what the law allows...and there's a sticker there that states the % to prove it. I've had officers pull me over for it,I tell them to shine their light on the sticker,and that ends that. My '91 Suburban has privacy tint on the rear doors,2nd side doors,and 1/4 glass from factory and you can not see through that stuff. I worked out of it and never worried about all my tools in there. You'd never know.

bowtie72 04-06-2013 09:42 AM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
Nice choice in tint. I really like the look. Makes me think about some tint for my 68. It has a slider in the back (which I don't like).

midniteblues 04-06-2013 10:12 AM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
The state of Kansas highway patrol has a real dislike for the dark tinted windows. It seems they like to be able to see the person in the vehicle, as they walk up to it. They WILL stop people that have dark tint and make them pull the tint right there or ticket them with a fixit ticket, os you have to remove it and pay the fine. The noce thing is that they do this on a cycle of about every two years and then they don't bother for awhile. That time is coming again. The state law is very definite in it's allowance of tint.[/QUOTE]

whats screwed up about this is that the some police cars and most if not all the unmarked cars have there windows tinted pretty dark ;)

oh by the way looks great there mr b

Tom Vogel 04-06-2013 11:37 AM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
Mister B. That looks perfect to me. I took notes, and thats what Im going to put on mine too. Ive been trying to figure this out, so Thank You for posting the info anf pictures.

Mister-B 04-06-2013 11:41 AM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included

Originally Posted by bowtie72 (Post 5994334)
Nice choice in tint. I really like the look. Makes me think about some tint for my 68. It has a slider in the back (which I don't like).

Thanks. You could probably find a non slider rear window at the junk yard, and have it tinted.

The other nice effect to having a tinted rear window (even at only 35%), is that you feel less like this:

Posted via Mobile Device

Mister-B 04-06-2013 11:43 AM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included

Originally Posted by Tom Vogel (Post 5994522)
Mister B. That looks perfect to me. I took notes, and thats what Im going to put on mine too. Ive been trying to figure this out, so Thank You for posting the info anf pictures.

No problem. You've got one fine looking truck there. The contrast of the tint would look cool with the orange paint

Here's another couple pictures for you
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RHGuyettejr 04-06-2013 11:57 AM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
Looks Great, Just a word of advice that you may already know, clean the inside with only paper wipes made for windows. Even paper towel can over time scuff the tint surface and it will start to get faint lines in it. I work at a dealership and have ruined tint a few times by not knowing it was aftermarket when I first started, and I was using normal window rags. If you cant find paper ones, microfibers work, but leave more streaks because they are less absorbant.

72BlckButy 04-06-2013 01:23 PM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included
Looks good!!!!
Posted via Mobile Device

piecesparts 04-06-2013 03:12 PM

Re: Got my back window tinted today. Pics included

Originally Posted by 69GWC (Post 5994232)
I have been pulled over a number of times with never having to strip my tint, also only have been pulled over once because of tint and tint was legal. Only the driver side and passenger side front windows have to be legal 35% the rear windows can be painted for that matter.
Posted via Mobile Device

When the cops apply the tint meter, it reads the amount of tint that is in the glass + the tint that has been appllied by the owner. If they are intent on the rules and are in the mood for a little money to the state, you get a ticket. The glass usually has a small amount of tint to it and that makes you illegal right off the bat. This is just like seat belts---they usually do not pull you over for the tint, but when they have you at their mercy, they can whip out that little law anytime. It all depends on how they bolted that uniform on, that day.

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