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stomper 07-06-2013 01:01 PM

4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
3 Attachment(s)
Theres a 2005 4.8 and trans for sale that was hacked out of an 05 2wd silverado for $900. Supposedly 50k mi and ran fine. My hesitation is it had the harness cut at the engine and has no computer fuse box gas pedal or anything with it. All the accessories are there however. Im wondering if its worth the hassle and cost of locating all the correct electronic to make it run? What would be a fair price or does it even make sense if it was practically free?
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ls1nova71 07-06-2013 02:09 PM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
If the miles are correct that sounds like a good price for engine and trans. Harness and computers can be found for reasonable prices.
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68GMCCustom 07-06-2013 03:09 PM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
...and, you could always buy an MSD 6LS ignition box and get a carb intake for about $700 or so add another $100 or so for 5-7psi fuel system, then stick a 600cfm carb on it and go.

of course with a carb intake for it.....their are also ez-efi and other 4150 style throttle bodies that will convert to efi.

* - or so = or more to you own taste

truckdude239 07-06-2013 03:34 PM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
i paided 1100 for my 4.8 with trans harness, computer and accessories with 80k on it

Indian113 07-06-2013 04:37 PM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
Stomper, I think I have a ECM for a 2004 5.3 and pedal with tac module. If I can find it- it's yours for the shipping.

I went drive by cable and used a different ECM in my S10, Ray

stomper 07-06-2013 05:14 PM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
1 Attachment(s)
It would go in this. Its a 6cyl 4spd now. Id like and automatic in it which would be some work anyway so what the hell go full monte with the LS. Im not much concerned about show quality. Id want the fuel injection and I just think it would be cool. Want to keep costs at a bare minimum tho because the truck aint pretty so its not worth much.

Thanks for the free parts offer. Gotta love the board!
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Clyde65 07-06-2013 05:28 PM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
That's a great deal! Get a harness and fuel and your set!
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Roostboy102 07-07-2013 09:59 PM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
I paid $600 for my 4.8 with harness and accessories but no transmission 80k miles. I'd pull the trigger on that for that price. And don't let anybody tell ya the 4.8 is weak... it's not! Good luck

6.0 1955 07-07-2013 11:31 PM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
I'd probably pass but I'm cheap. Today on our local craigslist there's a 5.3 and trans posted for $550. It doesn't state mileage but I have seen many of these motors torn apart at 200k miles and they still look good. My 69 currently has a 4.8 in it. These little motors run great and can easily spin up to 7000 rpm's. Once you go to the ls family of motors you will not go back.
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stomper 07-10-2013 01:19 AM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
3 Attachment(s)
Went and looked today. The injectors had no harness (is that part of the standard harness?) and theres something missing from the top under the cover. He's pretty firm on the price. I offere 5 and he laughed.
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lynnfield 07-10-2013 01:59 AM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
This is what I ran into when I was looking. Lots of "deals" out there and no way to verify any of it. It's a chance you take, I've seen it go both ways, and it sucks getting ripped off. They do run forever, I would have bought a higher mileage engine at this price if I could hear it run, or see the odometer of the vehicle it came out of, or something. Some salvage yards have caught on, and will include a copy of the title showing the miles. Greg

chuckmc8 07-10-2013 05:24 AM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
I'd pass on that one-

I think its better to buy 5.3 that you can rear run before its pulled, and then get everything you want as it comes out. Another thing that the 4.8 pictured doesn't have is the section of head pipes that includes the oxygen sensors.

Make a friend at a salvage yard and have them give you a call when they get a a vehicle in that has a 5.3 that you may be interested in. Listen to it (no cold piston slap!) and then as you go through the installation process, you'll know that you have a good engine and it will be more enjoyable. BTDT

ls1nova71 07-10-2013 05:48 AM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
The injector plugs are part of the engine harness, unlike the coils which have they're own small harnesses. Also the intake looks like one of the mounting points on top of it is broken off, there shouldnt be that big of a hole in it. But intakes are cheap, and it does show it came from a wrecked truck, unless they were real careless when they pulled it, and coming from a wreck means it was running at the time. I'd at least pull a valve cover and make sure its not sludged up which is an indication that it either wasn't cared for or has more than the stated ammount of miles. I'd offer the guy 700 with cash in hand, because plenty of people will make offers theyre not willing to uphold, and take a chance on it, but then that's just me.
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6.0 1955 07-10-2013 08:31 PM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
The items missing from the harness are the coil pack plugs, injector connectors, water temp sensor, alternator plug, etc.etc. If you buy an LS engine do you have a tuner local? I am fortunate to have a friend with a dyno in his barn for tuning purposes. Ask your tuner what items you need. I know usually I delete the o2's, oil pressure sensor, maf, and many other items many say you have to have. But my tuner is extremely good. As we take the factory computer and use it for carb type swaps as well instead of buying the MSD setup. Again, I would pass on the above mentioned motor as I believe you can find a better deal.
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stomper 07-20-2013 10:48 AM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
What if I could get it for $500? The guy just left me a phone message.

lynnfield 07-20-2013 10:52 AM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
At that price as long as it turns over by hand, I say go for it if it's what you want. Good luck! Greg

MalibuSSwagon 07-20-2013 01:06 PM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
HIt up pick a parts for the extra stuff. My local yard started putting complete LS trucks out in the yard because they have an overstock of the 4.8 and 5.3L engines. You could possibly find everything else you need for cheap.

Or cruise CL, guys part these truck out (over here anyways) all the time.

ls1nova71 07-20-2013 01:28 PM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?

Originally Posted by stomper (Post 6181728)
What if I could get it for $500? The guy just left me a phone message.

I'd jump on it for that price. Engine WITH a transmission and fairly low miles, no brainer! As Lynnfield said, make sure it turns over by hand. A full rotation. I would pull the all the plugs and turn it over. Had a buddy buy one that turned half a revolution, so he figured it wasn't locked up, only to find out that's all it would turn, half rotation either way.

lynnfield 07-20-2013 03:19 PM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?

I'm probably going with an aftermarket harness on mine to allow for some different mounting options, assuming the 4.8 and 5.3 engine harnesses are the same I could probably get you this one for cheap. Greg

Too bad Boyd Welding ended his fuel tank group buy on friday..............Hell, call him up give him a try, if you need one that is. Greg

truckdude239 07-20-2013 03:23 PM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
500 buxs i would jump on that find you a harness on here of ls1 forums
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mooseknuckles 07-21-2013 11:55 AM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
for $500?? it!!! .....pull a valve cover first, see how dirty it is, then load it in your truck!

lynnfield 07-21-2013 03:15 PM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
Did ya go get it??

faribran 07-27-2013 09:08 AM

Re: 4.8l no harness or electrical worth it?
Ok, not fair to keep us in suspense
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