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Jahloha 11-08-2013 11:28 PM

For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
2 Attachment(s)
Hey Forum:


Long time ghost reader, just turned member here. I am happy to finally participate and learn from all of our knowledgable members.

Long story short, in 1969 my grandpa bought a $1.00 raffle ticket from a coworkers daughter and six months later, he received a call informing him he had won a brand new 1970 Chevrolet C20. Thinking it was a joke, he hung up. They fortunately called back multiple times, got his address, and the truck was delivered that week.

My father was not around, so my grandpa took on those responsibilities. This truck is what we would use to drive around, do work in the mountains, and everything in between. His life is wrapping up and he finally made the call and asked me if I wanted to have the truck. I flew back to CA, picked it up, made the trek back to Utah and now have my dream truck in front of my house.

I want this to be my daily driver, capable of going 75 on the highway, but also be able to tow the occasional decent sized load. I also want to be able to toss my wife the keys and have zero doubt that she can drive and be safe, no breakdowns, safety issues, etc.

My grandpa passed on a deep knowledge in electrical, carpentry, and problem solving skills to me, which I hope to use in this restore. But I know I do not have many of the tools necessary for some of the work. This will be a challenge that will be overcome depending on help I can get from friends, cost to farm out the particular project, and how much time my family can allow me.

From your experience on our trucks, if you were to give a brief (two or three bullet points) of projects you would for sure farm out, what would those be? Also, if I were to ask a shop to help me with the restore, how can I reduce the cost of that (i.e., taking the engine apart for them, the panels, etc)?

I have more, but not on my computer. I am excited to share the development of this project, in memory of my grandpa.

Attachment 1172540
Attachment 1172541

Jahloha 11-08-2013 11:38 PM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
5 Attachment(s)
UPDATE: Winter Plan & Cab Break Down

Today I finally came up with a plan to continue working on the truck throughout the winter. I want to have the bed, cab, and front clip removed from the frame before it really starts snowing (2-3 weeks). That way I can store the chassis inside our 2 car garage and be able to do work on it throughout the winter. I plan on building some saw horses on the side parking strip to place the bed on, then other body parts inside the bed, all covered with a tarp. What I will do with everything else? (bench, electrical, whatever else comes, well...I will leave it up to that.

So today I wanted to do a quick rust analysis, so I removed the bench seat to investigate any floor panel issues. Knowing the truck has been in SoCal for its entire life, I am happy with the minimal rust, but know also don't want to be naive. Tell me what you think:

Floor Overview:
Attachment 1172543

Tire Jack (behind passenger, next to gas tank):
Attachment 1172542

Passenger Side Kick Panel:
Attachment 1172546

Passenger Side Door (bottom left corner, this was caused by no window guard I believe):
Attachment 1172547

Driver Side (just above kick panel, near high beams (which I dont even know if this is a standard feature or Gramps special):
Attachment 1172548

Tachout 11-08-2013 11:44 PM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
Very Cool Project. I am just over in Sandy. When you are doing things, if you run into an area you could use help, or before you take it to a shop, shoot me a PM. Knowing what you are going to go through, there are a few things that I could help with before taking anything major to a shop. Also I can recommend a good machine shop that can help with any machine work you might need.

Jahloha 11-08-2013 11:44 PM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
3 Attachment(s)
UPDATE: Bench Seat, Bed Condition, & Bolt Question

The bed is in great shape, Gramps carried a camper for nearly the entire life of the truck, so it wasn't exposed to the elements:
Attachment 1172549

After ripping off 3 seat covers, the bench seat practically vaporized when I removed it, but the springs are in decent shape. I am hoping to find a decent upholstery person in Utah to help me fab up some foam and fabric. Most likely a clothe (leather is too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer):
Attachment 1172551

I found these two bolts in the cab floor panel, one at the drivers feet and the other at the passengers feet. What are these for?
Attachment 1172552

Tachout 11-08-2013 11:47 PM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
There is a good shop to get your seat done if you are sold to sub that out. The shop did the top on my Corvette and they have done some other work for a couple friends of mine. I will see if I can find their contact info in the morning and send it to you. Honestly I think you could do your own seat if you can do all the mechanical you have already done.

Jahloha 11-08-2013 11:48 PM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
3 Attachment(s)
UPDATE: The Holy Grail? Found Original Paperwork, Build Sheet

I have been ghosting this forum for a long time, in preparation for this project. I often read of our members searching for their build sheets. What information does this provide outside of the original dealer, build location, etc.? Or is it just a keep-sakes? I am trying to hunt down a decoder for each box on this sheet. Let me know if you know of one.

Left Half:
Attachment 1172553

Right Half:
Attachment 1172555

I also found the original Owner's Manual, Clardy's Manual (is this common?):
Attachment 1172554

DEISS 11-10-2013 10:10 AM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
Hi from Ca., what a great project and a super nice truck, I've got a future "Grand Pa's" truck project that I'm gathering parts for as well, and will be following your progress, have a good one, Jack.

Ol rusty 11-10-2013 06:20 PM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
That's a pretty solid foundation to start on. Lots of guys would love to have a cab with that little rust. You can tell your grandpa took good care to maintain that truck properly. And finding the build sheet and all the original manuals, the back story to the truck, you got something special there. Good luck on the build.

Jahloha 11-12-2013 02:25 AM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
2 Attachment(s)

Well, it was my first time, but I got the front clip removed and its such a pretty sight! I am excited to pull the engine and start cleaning up the obvious years of oil leakage all over everything.

I am working as fast as possible to get it down to the frame before the snow permanently comes for a couple months. Luckily, my wife is supportive and is letting me store the pieces in the garage for now.

I want to make sure to appreciate everyone on this site for the reading material that prepped me for this step. The hardest part was lifting the clip off the truck, I couldn't figure out how to remove the rad, so that added some weight.

Let me know if you have any questions regarding what I did, seeing as its fresh on my mind.

W?O Front Clip:
Attachment 1173835

Pieces Removed:
Attachment 1173836


mcbassin 11-12-2013 09:31 AM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
Very cool story and project. I'm in

Jahloha 11-15-2013 05:01 PM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
3 Attachment(s)

It took me two days and a grinder, but the saddle tanks are off. I love working on my truck and it drives me crazy when you are in the middle of a step, but cant work on it because you are missing a piece or tool.

The saddle tank nuts came off relatively easy and the body bracket did as well; but once the nuts were removed, three of the bolts had rust frozen to their holes that run through the tanks. So I had to grind the heads off, only two minor scuffs on the bed, so I consider it successful.

The tanks are both in good condition, but I am not sure if they will go back into the truck. They definitely will go back in if I can figure out how to install sending units so I can use these and remove my in cad tank. Let me know if you have done this.

I also read there might be clearance issues once the tanks dropped, but I didn't find that to be the case on my truck. So it made this removal even easier.


Jahloha 11-15-2013 05:03 PM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
I am removing the bed this weekend, now that the tanks are removed, I have access to the last two bolts in the bed. I am very excited to get the bed off. Gonna give some neighbors a holler and most likely place the bed on some saw horses.

Jahloha 11-16-2013 01:31 AM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
3 Attachment(s)
Tonight I was able to get out and remove the lower body trim on the truck. It was pretty straight forward. Once completed, I will not have the trim on the body; but figured they might be someone looking for a complete trim package, so rather then just tear them out, I removed them all, in case someone needs them.

Attachment 1175443

Attachment 1175445

I also removed all door and window handles, along with the door interior panels. Again, straight forward. Best way to remove the handles, without the specialized tool, is using a shop rag.

Panels Removed:

litew8 11-16-2013 04:09 AM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
If you'd allow, a couple statements and a few questions.

You appear to have the same bench seat style as mine, original also, but different color it seems. Was your Gramps an Engineer? Are you? You appear to be well written, complement. Are you looking to restore to original OE 'look' or custom? What's your budget?

67cheby 11-16-2013 12:23 PM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
cool story , great project

Jahloha 11-16-2013 12:23 PM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
2 Attachment(s)

I have been thinking about how I want to store my bed this winter. Seeing as it is going to be outside, I required three things for it to be stored:

-that it stay dry
-that it would allow me to store body panels inside the bed
-that it be safe and sturdy

I finally decided to build a simple frame out of some 4x4s and 2x4s. I almost bought treated wood, but decided that the normal wood would not rot out, with only a few months exposed to the elements.

This is what I came up with. Each 4x4 is 32" tall. The box itself measures 48" by 81.5" (this length would place the first and last bed rail on the 4x4s for maximum support.

I will be getting some neighbors help later today or tomorrow to lift and place the bed. I will buy a tarp between now and then.

Attachment 1175510

Side View (I left a 2.5" clearance from the ground for any snow that stays on the ground)
Attachment 1175511


litew8 11-16-2013 03:05 PM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
Thanks for the PM. I only question because you initially asked for the forum's help, without further info, it makes understanding your intended direction a little more difficult. Good luck, though it doesn't seem you'll need it.

Jahloha 11-17-2013 11:24 AM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)

Originally Posted by litew8 (Post 6367343)
Thanks for the PM. I only question because you initially asked for the forum's help, without further info, it makes understanding your intended direction a little more difficult. Good luck, though it doesn't seem you'll need it.

Of for sure. I do not plan on doing anything too crazy in the restoration. The list is:

-disc brakes (hopefully all four corners)
-chassis rust prevention
-remachine the engine
-rust attention on doors and back pass panel
-700r4 swap (i am gonna leave the Eaton rearend (still need to figure out my gears)
-HD or custom springs to raise the truck and level it out
-bench restoration (I think I am going to tackle this, maybe)
-paint (if a buddy can fit me into his schedule, if not, Ill ride patina for awhile)

My goal is to have this done by early next summer, so I can drive back down to SoCal and go cruising up PCH with Gramps one last time.

I appreciate your interest in my build and I am now 3/4 through your build. Very impressive! I may not be the most skilled on the forum, but with everyone's help, I can be. So I am excited about this.


swamp rat 11-17-2013 09:14 PM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
As far as rust is concerned that truck is a great start. I'm subscribed!

70's luvr 11-18-2013 02:52 PM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
Awesome project! I'm a month behind you on the same truck but look to catch up soon. Thanks for the updates.

Mr Chevorlet 11-18-2013 03:08 PM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
Good looking truck to start with,

Jahloha 11-19-2013 12:53 AM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
4 Attachment(s)

Finally got some hands to help me remove the bed. Way easier then I expected it to be. The home made bed storage worked just fine and is very sturdy, I shook the heck out of it; but I do wish I had made it about 20" not 32".

I now have full access to my rear end and I will be trying to find my rear end code stamp to identify my gear ratio.

Both rockers look to be in good condition, the one rust spot on the pass side seems to be only surface and has not eaten through. Although I have never done a restoration before, I have read enough on here that the rockers and kick panels are rust attractors, I am happy with this find.

Here are some pics.

Bed Storage
Attachment 1176697

Underside of Bed Storage (notice main brace runs parallel to bed support)
Attachment 1176698

Bed Removed:
Attachment 1176699

Another Bed Remove Shot:
Attachment 1176700


Jahloha 11-19-2013 12:55 AM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
3 Attachment(s)
A few follow up pics:

Chassis near cab:
Attachment 1176702

Driver Side Rocker:
Attachment 1176704

Passenger Rocker:
Attachment 1176703

67swb72klb 11-19-2013 01:05 AM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)
great story and a realy nice solid truck

Jahloha 11-19-2013 01:43 AM

Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)

Originally Posted by DEISS (Post 6356433)
Hi from Ca., what a great project and a super nice truck, I've got a future "Grand Pa's" truck project that I'm gathering parts for as well, and will be following your progress, have a good one, Jack.


Originally Posted by Ol rusty (Post 6357018)
That's a pretty solid foundation to start on. Lots of guys would love to have a cab with that little rust. You can tell your grandpa took good care to maintain that truck properly. And finding the build sheet and all the original manuals, the back story to the truck, you got something special there. Good luck on the build.


Originally Posted by mcbassin (Post 6359890)
Very cool story and project. I'm in


Originally Posted by 67cheby (Post 6367144)
cool story , great project


Originally Posted by swamp rat (Post 6369391)
As far as rust is concerned that truck is a great start. I'm subscribed!


Originally Posted by 70's luvr (Post 6370568)
Awesome project! I'm a month behind you on the same truck but look to catch up soon. Thanks for the updates.


Originally Posted by Mr Chevorlet (Post 6370601)
Good looking truck to start with,


Originally Posted by 67swb72klb (Post 6371643)
great story and a realy nice solid truck

Thanks everyone. I am excited to get a finished project with everyones help.

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