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K10Scottsdale78 03-01-2014 05:29 PM

Preparing my truck for a 1600 mile drive this summer
I recently landed a job for the summer to work on a ranch in northern colorado and decided that Im gonna drive my truck out there from home in western ny. Ive never driven that far before, and Im a little concerned about if my truck will make it, its not like I want it to die out when im in the middle of iowa or nebraska. I drove it 7 hours straight last summer to move to move into my college dorm and it had no problems whatsoever. My travel plan is to drive about 10-12 hours a day then spend the night somewhere along the way.

Ive already got new spark plugs, wires and a distributor cap ordered to tune it up, and will be getting my carb adjusted before I leave. I was wondering if theres any other preventative maintence I should do before driving that far.

walkerb 03-01-2014 05:45 PM

Re: Preparing my truck for a 1600 mile drive this summer
I'd do gear oil change and coolant flush. I would also do an oil change right before you leave. How are your tires and spare? Pack tools and fluids.
Sounds like a really cool drive and experience

K10Scottsdale78 03-01-2014 06:13 PM

Re: Preparing my truck for a 1600 mile drive this summer

Originally Posted by walkerb (Post 6551728)
I'd do gear oil change and coolant flush. I would also do an oil change right before you leave. How are your tires and spare? Pack tools and fluids.
Sounds like a really cool drive and experience

Yeah I was really thinking that a coolant flush would be a great idea.

But how hard is it to change the gear oil? Ive been waiting to change out the diff. gaskets since my diff. covers look "wet."

Tires are ok. POS uniroyals, nothing fancy but still has enough tread left on them, gonna get them rotated in a couple weeks. Plus I have a spare, although the tire on it has a different tread than the uniroyals that are on my truck right now.

But yeah im excited to get out there, definatley gonna take a look and see if theres any orv trails in the national forests that Im gonna be right next to for when Im not gonna be working

plumbers crack 03-01-2014 06:36 PM

Re: Preparing my truck for a 1600 mile drive this summer
Change all the fluids than just check u joints, steering parts, brakes, stuff like that. If it dies on the way, it would have died on you in NY. Just give her a good check up and run, people have driven cross country in worse vehicles.

Make your self a boonie box with extra fluids, belts, hoses, fuses, wire/connectors, tape, silicone/glue, jack and tools. I always have a box like that in my trucks, saved my butt a few times on my 90 mile run to work and back.

K10Scottsdale78 03-01-2014 06:44 PM

Re: Preparing my truck for a 1600 mile drive this summer

Originally Posted by plumbers crack (Post 6551805)
Change all the fluids than just check u joints, steering parts, brakes, stuff like that. If it dies on the way, it would have died on you in NY. Just give her a good check up and run, people have driven cross country in worse vehicles.

Make your self a boonie box with extra fluids, belts, hoses, fuses, wire/connectors, tape, silicone/glue, jack and tools. I always have a box like that in my trucks, saved my butt a few times run to and from work.

Its had a slow power steering leak since I got it, but the seller gave me the replacement pump so is it worth the time to replace? I am gonna bring my wrench/ratchet set and keep it in the tool box along with spare motor oil and duck tape haha. Probably should get some of those things too just in case

tinydb84 03-01-2014 07:30 PM

Re: Preparing my truck for a 1600 mile drive this summer
I drove a 72 Monte Carlo (all stock) that I just bought from Wa to Ca (1,000) miles without stopping. Not a single problem. I was young and dumb(er) then. I didn't have any real tools or supplies.

I'd change all the fluids, check your brakes/hoses/belts, and do a general look over of everything else. Make yourself up a nice repair kit and have some supplies (water/food/blankets/first aid).

mickeykreg 03-01-2014 10:22 PM

Re: Preparing my truck for a 1600 mile drive this summer
What a great summer you've got in store. It's awesome you've got the spirit of adventure to do it.

I do a 2-3000 mile road trip in the west every summer. These old trucks can be just as dependable as anything, but it's a big advantage to know your truck. What I mean by that is that if there's a problem you can almost guess what it is before you pop the hood. If you've had your truck long you probably know what systems are iffy and whats good-to-go. If you know you've got a leaky diff, fix it or at least carry extra gear oil and check it often enough.

Here's a story if I may:
I stopped on the side of the road once in SE Oregon to take this photo.

When I got back in the truck it had a hesitation when it started and my girlfriend gave me a oh S*** look, and said "well that don't sound good". 100 miles later we stopped for a break and got my tarp from behind the seat to have a look at starter and alternator connections. It ended up being a bit of corrosion under the negative battery post. No big deal, but I needed a 1/2" wrench and a little wire brush. My point is that these are pretty simple mechanical machines and most problems can be dealt with, as long as you can keep your cool and think things through. Although, it's a bit distracting when your truck wont start and your 100 miles from a town.
Behind the seat I always carry a shoe box full of everything electrical including a test light, a duffle bag full of hand tools, and a fire extinguisher within easy reach. Try to think about things that'll leave you sitting on the side of the road and prioritize from there. In the back I carry a military rocket box (cause it's waterproof) with spare fuel pump, alternator, coveralls, tarp, Chilton manual, belts, hoses, vacuum hoses, and about 20 pounds of spare bolts/nuts/washers. Especially the weird one's that you'll never find when you need them. I also carry a milk crate with spare fluids. A smart phone is pretty handy too (when there's a signal) to find the nearest Napa, or junkyard.

A lot of the ranches in the west still have old squares that're working, rain or shine. You and your truck will fit right in.

Sorry this is a bit long. Keep us posted on your adventure.
Good luck, Mick

Dead Parrot 03-02-2014 09:54 AM

Re: Preparing my truck for a 1600 mile drive this summer
If the truck is in good mechanical shape, there is nothing about a 1600 mile drive to worry about. If the truck was only 3 years old, you probably wouldn't give it a second thought and might only take a few simple tools and spare fluids. The only difference between then and now is the list of tools and spare parts is a bit longer. That said, minor squawks that you might defer when you are only traveling a few miles from home should be fixed before going 1600 miles. Carry a few spare bulbs. Cops seem to love stopping out of state vehicles for burned out bulbs. If you can offer to fix on the spot, might avoid the ticket.

I see from your signature a NY home. Keep in mind the altitude in Colorado. Your performance will likely degrade as you get above 5000ft. Since you are spending the summer there, might research the needed modifications to tune for altitude.

gchemist 03-02-2014 10:29 AM

Re: Preparing my truck for a 1600 mile drive this summer
Add duct tape and an extra ignition module!

84chevyguyid 03-02-2014 10:45 AM

Re: Preparing my truck for a 1600 mile drive this summer
Just give it a good checkup and you will be fine. I recently drove my 87 burb on a 2300 mile trip and I was a bit apprehensive about taking it, toyed with the idea of just renting a car but wifie said lets go for it, so we did and it ran great. Since its an old chevy, you can still work on them and get parts everywhere for it. Plus you have a nation wide network of us enthusiasts to help you out if you happen to get stranded somewhere. Good luck on your adventure!


meatwagon83 03-02-2014 11:19 AM

Re: Preparing my truck for a 1600 mile drive this summer
take fluids, belts, hoses some tools a carb rebuild kit, plugs, wires, and a spare tire or two, i have driven mine from dayton ohio to houston texas and back and from dayton to grand forks north dakota, and twice from dayton to wahpeton north dakota, oh and fargo too

Ski-me 03-02-2014 12:09 PM

Re: Preparing my truck for a 1600 mile drive this summer
When I bought mine, the owner said "sometimes it starts, sometimes it doesn't.". I took a chance and left Seattle at 6pm and headed east to Colorado in the dark and rain! 1500 miles later, I made it to Colorado. Tried starting the next morning....nothing! God was with me!

My problems, basically truck got warm and was overheating. So I'd say check coolant, thermostat and hoses. Change oil and gear oil if needed. Definitely check your driveline ujoints, too.

Other than that, go for it!

As pointed out, at Colorado elevation you will lose power. Once here, you might have the timing reset and check over your carburetor, if you plan to stay for an extended period.

Good luck! My truck is very reliable now with 342,000 miles on it. I would not hesitant in that drive now.....

K10Scottsdale78 03-02-2014 02:29 PM

Re: Preparing my truck for a 1600 mile drive this summer

Originally Posted by Ski-me (Post 6553095)
When I bought mine, the owner said "sometimes it starts, sometimes it doesn't.". I took a chance and left Seattle at 6pm and headed east to Colorado in the dark and rain! 1500 miles later, I made it to Colorado. Tried starting the next morning....nothing! God was with me!

My problems, basically truck got warm and was overheating. So I'd say check coolant, thermostat and hoses. Change oil and gear oil if needed. Definitely check your driveline ujoints, too.

Other than that, go for it!

As pointed out, at Colorado elevation you will lose power. Once here, you might have the timing reset and check over your carburetor, if you plan to stay for an extended period.

Good luck! My truck is very reliable now with 342,000 miles on it. I would not hesitant in that drive now.....

Im gonna be there for roughly 3 months. I was planning on getting the carb adjusted again once I reach Laramie, WY so the truck will run better for the higher elevation

K10Scottsdale78 03-02-2014 02:41 PM

Re: Preparing my truck for a 1600 mile drive this summer

Originally Posted by mickeykreg (Post 6552267)
What a great summer you've got in store. It's awesome you've got the spirit of adventure to do it.

I do a 2-3000 mile road trip in the west every summer. These old trucks can be just as dependable as anything, but it's a big advantage to know your truck. What I mean by that is that if there's a problem you can almost guess what it is before you pop the hood. If you've had your truck long you probably know what systems are iffy and whats good-to-go. If you know you've got a leaky diff, fix it or at least carry extra gear oil and check it often enough.

Here's a story if I may:
I stopped on the side of the road once in SE Oregon to take this photo.

When I got back in the truck it had a hesitation when it started and my girlfriend gave me a oh S*** look, and said "well that don't sound good". 100 miles later we stopped for a break and got my tarp from behind the seat to have a look at starter and alternator connections. It ended up being a bit of corrosion under the negative battery post. No big deal, but I needed a 1/2" wrench and a little wire brush. My point is that these are pretty simple mechanical machines and most problems can be dealt with, as long as you can keep your cool and think things through. Although, it's a bit distracting when your truck wont start and your 100 miles from a town.
Behind the seat I always carry a shoe box full of everything electrical including a test light, a duffle bag full of hand tools, and a fire extinguisher within easy reach. Try to think about things that'll leave you sitting on the side of the road and prioritize from there. In the back I carry a military rocket box (cause it's waterproof) with spare fuel pump, alternator, coveralls, tarp, Chilton manual, belts, hoses, vacuum hoses, and about 20 pounds of spare bolts/nuts/washers. Especially the weird one's that you'll never find when you need them. I also carry a milk crate with spare fluids. A smart phone is pretty handy too (when there's a signal) to find the nearest Napa, or junkyard.

A lot of the ranches in the west still have old squares that're working, rain or shine. You and your truck will fit right in.

Sorry this is a bit long. Keep us posted on your adventure.
Good luck, Mick

Thanks Mick! I think I know what part of SE oregon you were in, 4 years ago my dad and I cut through that area on our way to go to Yosemite from Idaho. Talk about middle of nowhere... Definatley think im going to be spending the majority of my tax return at the auto parts store and summit.

But I know what you mean about the working squares out west, I saw tons of old chevys driving in the remote parts of the west the last time I was out there. Half the reason I wanted to bring my square instead of my car is so that Id fit in out there! Haha

Im not leaving til the end of may, but I will definatly make another thread for photos along the way. Im excited and feel blessed that I got this wonderful opportunity to work an awesome summer job while I am still young

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