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Campsinger 04-26-2014 11:53 AM

Hey, y'all....

I'm new around here, and I want to say two things:

1) I love the board and the pics of the old trucks. I stumbled on here by accident, and it's got me really pumped up. So much so that I called my brother to see if my old '64 C10 is still sitting out in the trees back on the farm and I want to start fixing it up.

2) I don't understand half of the things said on this board. I was in the USAF for 6 years, stationed in Berlin when the Wall came down in '89. So I'm used to all kinds of acronyms, but the ones around here got me scratching my head. I asked a buddy what BBW means, and he said it meant "Big Black Woman." That didn't make no sense, then I found out it meant "Big Back Window" lol.

So what are all the acronyms specific to this board, 1960-66, as well as those in neighboring decades? Perhaps after we get a bunch of them, Admin will gather them all into a FAQ.

After all, if I'm gonna restore my ol' girl, I better know the lingo!

morethanstock66 04-26-2014 12:27 PM

Re: Acronyms
Interesting idea. Civilian alphabet soup. Some are shortened tech terms and many application specific.

SBC- small block chevy
BBC- big block chevy
IMO- in my opinion
BTW- by the way
IIRC- if i remember correctly
BFM- big ****ing hammer
TT- twin turbo
CFM- cubic feet per minute
PM- private message
OE- original equipment
UCA- upper control arm(s)
LCA- lower control arm(s)
SWB- short wheel base
LWB- long wheel base
SS- step side
FS- fleet side
PS- power steering
PB- power brakes
L6 or I6- inline 6 cylinder

That's all I got off the top of my head..

Captainfab 04-26-2014 12:54 PM

Re: Acronyms
A few more that come to mind.

AFAIK- As far as I know
PO- Previous owner
ATM- At the moment

63 & 64 Bowties 04-26-2014 01:10 PM

Re: Acronyms
Bagged= air-ride susp
'41-'47 1st series was called Art Deco
AD= Advance Design(1947 2nd series-1955 1st series)
'55 2nd series-'59 was Task Force
The 1st & 2nd series thing refers to those with mid year body design changes
C.O.E. Cab Over Engine
IFS = Independent Front Suspension
IRS = Independent Rear Suspension
PO = previous owner

(the guys over in the LSx swap area have all kinds of 'em with all the electronics and sensors they deal with)

Captainfab 04-26-2014 01:32 PM

Re: Acronyms

OEM-Original equipment manufacturer
ECM-Engine control module
PCM-Powertrian control module
ECU-Engine control unit
EFI-Electronic fuel injection
TBI-Throttle body injection
TPI-Tuned port injection
MPFI-Multi port fuel injection
MAF-Mass air flow
SD-Speed density
TPS-Throttle position sensor
IAC-Idle air control

thefraze_1020 04-26-2014 01:49 PM

Re: Acronyms
NOS- New Old Stock

duallyjams 04-26-2014 06:35 PM

Re: Acronyms
IDK=I don't know
PDW=personal defense weapon
DWR= dual rear wheels
CC= crew cab

TJ's Chevy 04-26-2014 06:58 PM

Re: Acronyms
PO= Previous Owner
POS= Piece Of Scrap or S***
4 on the floor= 4 speed stick shift on the floor.
3 speed column= 3 speed column shift.
4wd= 4 wheel drive.
2wd= 2 wheel drive.
Ford= Fix Or Repair Daily.
Twin 6= GMC V12
Resto Mod= Truck that is modified.
Patina= Original paint.
Rustina= Little rust with the paint.
Fauxtina is hard to describe.
Welcome to the forum! Look forward to some pictures of yer rig! :chevy:

Greg63 04-26-2014 07:51 PM

Re: Acronyms
My favorite;
TLA - Three Letter Acronym

BADAZ chevy guy 04-26-2014 08:39 PM

Re: Acronyms
I've asked everyone I know what "idk" means. They all tell me "I don't know"
I can't find a single person who actually knows. :(

PGSigns 04-26-2014 09:10 PM

Re: Acronyms
And then there is CRS for cant remember s***. You know you have it when you look for that 9/16 wrench you had for an hour before you find it in your back pocket.

1963c-10 04-26-2014 09:17 PM

Re: Acronyms
cc10$ = classic c10 to throw all the extra money into:metal:

bama63 04-26-2014 10:14 PM

Re: Acronyms

Originally Posted by Sharps40 (Post 6647411)
For us oldsters;

HHSOSB...Help hoveround stuck on speed bump

LCTSO...Lifted crank turd shot out

ANETQ...Arthritis need electric torque wrench

LBSTPFM?...Lost bifocals set the points for me?

SMKINAA...***t my knees I need an automatic

WTHIFI...What the hell is fuel injection


WTHITSL...Why the hell is that so low

WTHATRSB..Why the hell are those rims so big

ABT?NILHAHWIR..Air bag truck? Nah I leave her at home when I roll

Ysmtibabihhbigi...Ya say my truck is bad ass but I had hemorrhoids before I got it

LOL=laughing out loud

HumphreyMurdoch 04-27-2014 12:27 PM

Re: Acronyms
Sometimes they call me Mr. Craft. Can't remember a F&%#g thing.

MadRatt 04-27-2014 02:58 PM

Re: Acronyms
To funny!!
Truly LOL'd

MadRatt 04-27-2014 02:59 PM

Re: Acronyms

Originally Posted by Sharps40 (Post 6647411)
For us oldsters;

HHSOSB...Help hoveround stuck on speed bump

LCTSO...Lifted crank turd shot out

ANETQ...Arthritis need electric torque wrench

LBSTPFM?...Lost bifocals set the points for me?

SMKINAA...***t my knees I need an automatic

WTHIFI...What the hell is fuel injection


WTHITSL...Why the hell is that so low

WTHATRSB..Why the hell are those rims so big

ABT?NILHAHWIR..Air bag truck? Nah I leave her at home when I roll

Ysmtibabihhbigi...Ya say my truck is bad ass but I had hemorrhoids before I got it

Truly LOL'D!!!:jest::jest:

Campsinger 04-27-2014 03:17 PM

Comprehensive list of Acronyms & Terms
Okay, so here's what we've got so far....

1960-66 Chevy Truck Specific Acronyms and Terminology

BBC = Big Block Chevy
BBW = Big Back Window
BFH = Big Fracking Hammer
CC = Crew Cab
CFM = Cubic Feet Per Minute
CLR = Calcium Lime and Rust Cleaner
COE = Cab Over Engine
DWR = Dual Rear Wheels
ECM = Engine Control Module
ECU = Engine Control Unit
EFI = Electronic Fuel Injection
FS = Fleet Side
IAC = Idle Air Control
IFS = Independent Front Suspension
IIRC = If I Remember Correctly
IRS = Independent Rear Suspension
L6 or I6 = Inline 6 Cylinder Engine
LCA = Lower Control Arm(s)
LWB = Long Wheel Base
MAF = Mass Air Flow
MPFI = Multi-Port Fuel Injection
NOS = New Old Stock
OE = Original Equipment
OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer
PB = Power brakes
PCM = Powertrain Control Module
PO = Previous Owner
PS = Power Steering
SBC = Small Block Chevy
SBW = Small Back Window
SBFS = Short Box Fleet Side
SD = Speed Density
SS = Step Side
SWB = Short Wheel Base
TBI = Throttle Body Injection
TPI = Tuned Port Injection
TPS = Throttle Position Sensor
TT = Twin Turbo
UCA = Upper Control Arm(s)

3-on-the-tree = 3 speed column shift
4-on-the-floor = 4 speed stick shift on the floor
Bagged = air-ride suspension
Knee Knocker = 1960-63 wrap-around windshield
Patina = Original paint
Resto Mod = Truck that is modified
Rustina = Little rust with the paint
Twin 6 = GMC V12
Straight 6 = Inline 6 cylinder engine

1st & 2nd series refers to those with mid year body design changes
1st series = 1941-47, also called Art Deco
AD = Advance Design (1947 2nd series to1955 1st series)
2nd series = 1955-59, also called Task Force

LS = ?
Fauxtina = ?
Slammed = ?
New Old Stock = ?
C'd Frame = ?
Z'd Frame = ?

Any others?

BADAZ chevy guy 04-27-2014 04:53 PM

Re: Acronyms
MPG = Miles per gallon.
BTDC = Before top dead center.
PSI = Pounds per square inch.

AcampoDave 04-27-2014 07:57 PM

Re: Acronyms

Originally Posted by sharps40 (Post 6648667)
iblocslmbi....i been layin on concrete so long my butt itches


BADAZ chevy guy 04-27-2014 08:41 PM

Re: Acronyms
JAFO = Just another fn Observer.
From the movie "Blue Thunder"
Or when insists on looking over your shoulder while you're rebuilding a carb or trying to put the clock hands back on after rebuilding your dash clock. lol

66Submarine 04-27-2014 11:20 PM

Re: Acronyms
Did you really miss it, Rich?!? God help you, you poor soul.

JAFSB=Just Another Fawkin' Small Block (SBC)

Checkmate. :lol:

LVPhotos 04-28-2014 02:08 AM

Re: Acronyms
FIAT=fix it again Tony
FUBAR =F***ed Up Beyond All Repair
SNAFU =Systems Normal All Fd Up
AFO=Awaiting Further Orders
California = junk everything not Yuppie aproved

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