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hotrod66 07-20-2014 03:07 PM

one piece at a time
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i am starting this a little late i have ben working since april so i will try and catch everyone up. i first built back in 09, to protest to my whiney neighbor who constantly complained about my old cars sitting in my yard. He called the county which told me i needed to put a fince up around my 3 old cars so i did. then drug the ugliest truck i had out and made it live just building it out of junk that i had. in a strange series of events this became my daily driver so what started out as a joke ended up saving me, life is funny that way. fast forward to 2012 i t boned a van that ran a stop light and bent the frame the truck was deemed totaled but i fixed the best i could with a torch and keep-et on trucking.
then in march of 2014 the 250 that had pulled the truck for 4 years that was junk when it was put in finally died. knowing the frame was bent the truck was disassembled and put on a short frame and a 292 was sourced from my favorite small town junkyard and overhauled. keeping with the original intentions i am building the truck mostly form my parts pile and junkyard parts with few new parts such as a/c (finally!) oh yea and carpet. my goal with this truck is to make the people who get it smile and for the ones who dont can just look down there noses at me in disgust get in there prius and go home to there Mickey mouse world!:lol: ps that whiney neighbor finally moved!
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as of march last shot before tear down
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tear down
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new frame
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rebuilt 292
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resealed the trans it worked fine so just cleaned it up

RANDY COX 07-20-2014 06:56 PM

Re: one pice at a time
Hey that 292 looks familiar....
Yours is lookin Great...

hotrod66 07-20-2014 08:55 PM

Re: one pice at a time
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it sure does! i have had fun trying to fine all the mounts for my 292 as it was in a 78 1 ton.i didn't realize the mount was different on the block as well as the stool.i found both stool and block mount and spacers today along with a set of used brass knuckles in the bed of the same truck covered up, the junkyard i go to is kinda shady you never know that you will find.
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hotrod66 07-21-2014 07:39 PM

Re: one pice at a time
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fixed a hole in the roof the previous owner had a cb antenna stuck in. next patch is the cab corner, i dont know how i didn't notice this when i put the rockers on but the cab corner had ben mashed in and built back up with bondo it wasn't rusted just flattened.

hotrod66 07-21-2014 07:40 PM

Re: one pice at a time
hope to get my fly wheel back tomorrow from the machine shop so i can get my engine in finally

hotrod66 07-22-2014 09:41 PM

Re: one pice at a time
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a update for today got my flywheel back and clutch installed along with trans.
and oh yea i got the whole mess put in the truck finally!!!
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i used a old input shaft to line up the clutch and also put in the pilot bushing. the input shaft is from one of my old saginaw 3 speeds. this is why you dont side step a clutch when your mad at some one and you have 3:08 gears. learned a lesson on that one twice because it also broke the drive shaft.
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my truck is to low to get my cherry picker under it. cant use jack stands due to the width of the cherry picker, so i used some old wheels to get it up in the air.

TJ's Chevy 07-22-2014 11:50 PM

Re: one pice at a time
292 I6 is a sweeeeeet engine...proof here....ahem...this one is mine. lol

hotrod66 07-23-2014 05:41 PM

Re: one pice at a time
this is my first 292 its all stock down to the 1brl carb should be nice hope to get decent fuel milage. i have 3:08 gears and tall rear tires ,with the 250 running 70 @2200 rpm was getting around 16.5 mpg. yours seems to get up and go alot quicker than mine :lol: at times i do miss my 3:73 gears.

hotrod66 07-27-2014 06:58 PM

Re: one pice at a time
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today i centered the pads on my axle and set pinion angle.the saddles are just tacked in place until i can get all the weight on the truck and double check my work. then i will finish welding and get track bar mount welded on.
i also got a new water pump and my ac compressor along with the brackets to mount it, alternator and my power steering pump. i didn't make much progress due to the 107 heat out side, which also messed my paint up on my brackets that i am now sanding on in the a/c in the house.
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hotrod66 08-03-2014 06:35 PM

Re: one piece at a time
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not much done to the truck this week, but i did get it out so i could clean the dumpster fire i call a shop. i just had way to much junk in the way so i was just fighting my self. anyway i took a pic of it while it was out side. still think i want to lower it more what do you guys think?
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hotrod66 08-10-2014 12:05 PM

Re: one piece at a time
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well this week i painted my brackets again for the ac,p/s,alt. I sandblasted my exhaust manifold and painted it with factory manifold gray (it works really well). replaced my new(not remand) water pump that i had just got , i had it all painted and realized it had a crack. think i may buy a new radiator support since mine was badly mangled, at work my boss bought a parts company that sells restoration parts so hopefully i can get one at a decent price. heck maybe even a new set of fenders idk.

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hotrod66 08-17-2014 07:57 PM

Re: one piece at a time
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Due to having to work saturday and the freak rain storm in the middle of August in Texas didn't get much done.
Although i did get my new core support and the driver door sanded on thats on my burb (going to use on my truck have better doors for burb), it kinda sucked. The passenger door will get paint stripped due to the lacquer pain job ,it just gums up the sand paper.
also got some work done on my smaller scale 60'S trucks. the one im proud of the most is the 60 gmc that i stretched to a long bed and cut out for the side mount spare. I scratch built a v-6 and dash, the gmc grill and hood grill are resin cast that some one gave me

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hotrod66 08-19-2014 07:12 PM

Re: one piece at a time
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well finished sanding and sandblasting my driver door. Found a relay odd rust hole behind the door handle. Its odd the first I have seen of its kind hopefully the last as-well, other than the 2 holes the door is solid so Im happy. painted the inside going to hang it on the truck and start the body work.

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Bomp 08-19-2014 09:14 PM

Re: one piece at a time
Really dig the color on the motor and the 4 door model.
Ill follow along on this cool build.

hotrod66 08-19-2014 10:01 PM

Re: one piece at a time

Originally Posted by Bomp (Post 6808773)
Really dig the color on the motor and the 4 door model.
Ill follow along on this cool build.

thanks its alpine green close to a factory color for the 292 engine. the model well i get bored and build things, think i might make it a dually as well.

pimpston65 08-19-2014 11:16 PM

Re: one piece at a time
whats up with that burban??? future build???

hotrod66 08-20-2014 07:57 PM

Re: one piece at a time

Originally Posted by pimpston65 (Post 6808982)
whats up with that burban??? future build???

one that stalled out, due to daily driver issues. im to stubborn to by a late model car so i rebuilt a 88 silverado and drove my 66. the 66 then gave it up as soon as i finished the 88. so yes its next in line. i have already done a few patches in the floor and rebuilt the front end, disk brakes. i have a rebuilt 350hp 327(used a repop 350 hp cam they used in the vett and a old set of double hump heads)and a 700r4. i have 90% of the parts for it just need to get on it after my 6 banger truck.

hotrod66 08-20-2014 09:18 PM

Re: one piece at a time
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hung the door today. need to start body work and fill the 14 holes form all the different mirrors. glad to have a set of doors with out speaker holes in them.

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hotrod66 08-24-2014 05:09 PM

Re: one piece at a time
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Welded my holes in the door,pulled the dints the best that i could and slung some short strand fiberglass. I still need to do some more work to it so i just hit it with some rattle can filler primer to keep the flash rust away. I got a new finder from work got, it home and immediately dropped it in the floor and dented it.
I bought some slick sand filler primer going to see if i cam make my truck look like a mountain range from all the runs. Last but not least I got a new hauler. the truck is a c-20 with a granny 4 sm420, 292. guy at the junk yard said it ran when he got it a month ago, gas was fresh in the tank. As fate would have it thats where my carb and motor mount stool came from for my truck i am building :dohh:.
if any one has a spare passenger side stool for a 292 i am in dire need of one.

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hotrod66 09-06-2014 09:07 PM

Re: one piece at a time
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Not any big progress but I got my 3/4 ton home and running. On the project truck I decided to just use my old passenger door that was on the truck. the other door I was working on was tweaked bad at the top due to it was off a wrecked truck, I had it almost done and set on the truck and it was then I realized it. I fixed a 6x9 hole that was cut in my old door started to freshen up the body work on the out side. I finished the drives door body work. sand blasted the driver side inner finder and shot under side with undercoating. i am going to do the top side of the inner finder in spray can truck-bed liner (i have used it in the past and does not look like what you would think it turns out almost completely smooth and is chemical resistant). still on the hunt for a passenger engine mount stand for my 292 if anyone has one.
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hotrod66 09-06-2014 09:10 PM

Re: one piece at a time
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hotrod66 09-07-2014 08:11 PM

Re: one piece at a time
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some more blasting today on the passenger inner finder then hit the spots that where heavily pitted with por15 paint. i painted the top of the driver inner finder with truck bed liner. then this afternoon did some parts trading whit a guy on the forum and got a running 250 I6 and a sm420 trans i helped him pull it. thanks again Wayne
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hotrod66 09-14-2014 08:44 PM

Re: one piece at a time
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well its ben a good weekend for me hope yall can say the same.
me and my buddy jason hit the Decatur swap meet . i got new chrome dome lamp and some por15. after that we went to my favorite place the junk yard.
i picked up some okay shape chrome gmc letters and a really nice gmc splash pan for $45. sand blasted my old driver finder and put some por15 paint on it.i also cleaned, painted all my bolts and the finder extensions. i finally put my seals on the inner finders and bolted them on for hopefully the last time. i mocked up the core support to mount the a/c condenser. now i need to paint my core support. thanks for reading.

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hotrod66 09-23-2014 08:49 PM

Re: one piece at a time
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some more sand blasting done,i blasted my cowl and my grill backing.
cut the bottom off of my finder and welded my new one on.
also painted my core support and bolted up for the final time. this is my first time to try and paint anything, i am getting kinda close hope all my work pays off. think i am going to paint it while its apart so i dont end up with all the over spray on every thing. just going to flat black it because my body is not the straightest

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hotrod66 09-25-2014 07:51 PM

Re: one piece at a time
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well i finally got my cab corner patched. i was waiting on getting a body saw so i could make really thin cuts that way i wouldn't have such a big gap thus lessening the chance of warping the panel. it turned out really well, think this is my best patch to date.
now to figure out what's next on my to do list.:lol:

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