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RockinKees 09-18-2014 05:44 PM

1959 Apache Wiring diagram
Is there someone who can help me to get a wiring diagram for a 1959 Apache?

I found one for a '59 GMC 100, but I don't know if I can use that, or if it's the same diagram?
I've search the board but nothing came up....


OrrieG 09-18-2014 06:22 PM

Re: 1959 Apache Wiring diagram
send me a pm with a good email address and I will send you a care package with a bunch of TF diagrams including one that prints good at a larger size.

tmoble 09-18-2014 10:41 PM

Re: 1959 Apache Wiring diagram
nice, spread the wealth.

Softpatch 09-18-2014 11:19 PM

Re: 1959 Apache Wiring diagram
Is this a one time offer....
I'm doing it right now and could also need the help...Sp
The "RED" wire is the positive side
If this doesn't scare the crap out of ya ....Your dead inside or have a death wish

I've been looking for 4 weeks and can't find a junction or fuse block anywere

tmoble 09-18-2014 11:37 PM

Re: 1959 Apache Wiring diagram
most of the 55-50 trucks had no fuse box. The only fuse is on top of the headlight switch for the dash lights. Apparently there was some type of fuse box as an option or included with some other option but I've never seen one.

_Ogre 09-19-2014 11:01 AM

Re: 1959 Apache Wiring diagram
heater, lighter, electric wipers and radio was an option up thru 59,
i believe the 3 fuse panel was added if you had either option
the main power junction was the horn relay and the voltage regulator
dash light fuse and 2 auto circuit breakers on the headlite switch for all the lights

softpatch's wiring is typical for all the modifications thru the years
i'd tear everything out and start new
if your going for a points restoration buy a period correct wiring harness
if just restoring on making a truckrod buy an ezwire 12 to 21 circuit harness

all power goes thru the amp gauge in the dash on these trucks
that's scary in itself... i converted my amp gauge to a volt gauge
so all power goes thru the fuse panel, not my gauge cluster

RockinKees 09-19-2014 02:47 PM

Re: 1959 Apache Wiring diagram
Thank you OrrieG!!

You are the best ;)
Pm is on it's way...

(I knew that this was the best board overall!!!)

tmoble 09-19-2014 03:24 PM

Re: 1959 Apache Wiring diagram

I saw that deal about mounting a 2" Volts gauge where the Amp gauge is. Looks pretty do-able. Thanks for posting that up. I need to look around for a bad used gauge, avoid destorying mine that still works.

jfnar 09-19-2014 04:54 PM

Re: 1959 Apache Wiring diagram

This if for '58, may be the same.

RockinKees 09-19-2014 06:27 PM

Re: 1959 Apache Wiring diagram
Thank you, jfnar.

That is a very good start to look at things ;-)

Cullenseago27 07-22-2017 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by OrrieG (Post 6848151)
send me a pm with a good email address and I will send you a care package with a bunch of TF diagrams including one that prints good at a larger size.

I am sort of brand new to old car restore so please bear with me. I have a 1959 stepside apache. Anyways I have converted to an alternator and am running a crate 350. However I am having problem with running the lights. I have a 1980's chevy light switch (since it is exponentially cheaper). The connections are roughly the same but I cannot seem to get the brake lights working properly and I must be missing a ground because every time I activate my brights the headlights turn off. I can get rear park lights but with no brake lights then. I am not sure if my switch is just bad or if I am wired wrong. Any suggestions? Also wiring diagrams would be great because the one that came with my wiring harness (not sure of the brand but I think it's painless) is darn near useless.
Posted via Mobile Device

1project2many 07-23-2017 10:02 AM

Re: 1959 Apache Wiring diagram
Generally one would start a new post for help, especially when looking at a three year old thread.

1)55-59 trucks are very similar. I was able to use the factory diagram when I built my first truck.

2) You have a number of different problems to fix. It can help to have more detail for each problem. Here's why: In my mind (I've been a mechanic for over thirty years) there were millions of vehicles made in the '80s and it would be wrong to try and guess what your 1980s light switch is from. It would also be wrong to assume you are still using a floor mounted dimmer. Many people switch to later columns with column mounted dimmers switches. Please provide more detail including how you have the headlights wired now.

It would also help to describe how the brake lights are not working properly. Are they lighting at all? Do you have turn signals wired in with the brakes or are they separate? Do they work (or not work) with the tail lights on or off? Are you using an original style brake light switch and wiring or have you changed to a different design? Have the lights ever worked since you owned the truck?

RockinKees 09-16-2017 07:03 AM

Re: 1959 Apache Wiring diagram
This is what I did.
I took the original diagram and the diagram that fits my mid '70s steering column.
Combined the two diagrams into one...
I now have working lights, parklights, brakelights, emergencylights and turnsignals, switched through the original '59 lightswitch and original 70s steeringcolunm. I'm happy :lol:
Even got my towhitch hooked on so that I have European setup at the RV, switched through a bunch of relays :metal:(I live in the Netherlands, that's why I did this).

I have build my own wiring in the truck from scratch because I was on a budget and I had and have acces to a lot of electric parts. If you can draw your own diagram for all the things that are build in the truck, such as I did, and take your time with it, all the little problems go away (if you do it right...)
I have made part diagrams for every single thing that's connected to a relay and/or a fuse.
Have a map of all those diagrams and carry it in the truck with me.
So in short, I have made my own wiring, and have not had a single problem yet.
But, you have to know with what Parts you working with, and a little knowledge of car electrics is fine ;)

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