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Jim53066 10-30-2014 11:34 PM

DISTRIBUTOR? what brand, or type
I have found that the original 2bbl carb on my new to me 65 / 283 is leaking and basically worn out. I have decided that I will look for an older cast iron 4bbl manifold and a small 600 cfm carb to wake the old girl up a little. Now I am not looking to go fast, those days are over and long gone, I am just looking for a little better performance out of the stock motor. I have done enough of that type work figure that part out on my own.

Now to the question,
since I will be changing the manifold and carb, I figure now is the time to find a replacement for the stock points distributor, I'm sure it is original. My problem and question is what to buy? Looking on Ebay, there is quite a choice, and quite the price variation, from $37.00 units all the way to $600 plus. Right now I am leaning toward one of the small cap HEI units with the external coil, unless the general consensus leads me another direction.

I am looking for real world experience. I tried to check the archives, but there were only a few (smith was one name, but I could not find their website) but most threads did not lead to a real world answer, just general advice.

I realize that normally you get what you pay for, but again, I am not trying to go fast, just improve on what is there. I do not need the fancy MSD, I basically want a plug and play (after wiring changes) Staying stock is not important, the PO changed way too much to bring it back without more money than I have.

Anyone have any suggestions or recommendations? what distributors or venders to stay away from? good experiences?

Thanks, Jim

pimpston65 10-30-2014 11:38 PM

Re: DISTRIBUTOR? what brand, or type
are you looking for the stock look, or does that matter?

CRGRS 66 10-30-2014 11:41 PM

Re: DISTRIBUTOR? what brand, or type
I have ordered, but not received the following pertronix unit. I liked the stock look, and the price was not too prohibitive at $175. No racing for me either, surely this is a major upgrade from points and condenser. Pertronix also makes a module that you can install in your original distributor for about $60 to $80.

Jim53066 10-30-2014 11:44 PM

Re: DISTRIBUTOR? what brand, or type
Stock look is OK, I won't spend extra for it because like I said above, the truck has already been changed too much to be an "all original" type truck, it's just a nice clean driver.


Jim53066 10-30-2014 11:49 PM

Re: DISTRIBUTOR? what brand, or type

That is why I decided to ask the question, I have heard good things about pertronix, but I have also heard and read that some of the cheaper no name brands work just as well for half the price. Half price sounds great, but not if I have to re-do it in a year, or it is going to leave me stranded 50 miles from home.


CRGRS 66 10-30-2014 11:55 PM

Re: DISTRIBUTOR? what brand, or type
I believe that you get what you pay for... to a point. The $600 distributor would likely only benefit someone who is into racing. I expect to have the distributor in my hands this weekend, but it will be a while before I am driving, so I can't give you any real world experience on it.

Captainfab 10-31-2014 12:47 AM

Re: DISTRIBUTOR? what brand, or type
Not racing or not wanting to go fast should not be a determining factor to not buy a quality, dependable distributor and ignition system. No you do not need a high priced ignition that is intended solely for racing, but do you really want to depend on a $50 made in China distributor? There are some affordable brand name distributors that are also made in China, but supposedly the QC is stricter. A lot of guys will recommend Pertronix products. We bought one of their distributors years ago and I will never buy one of their products again. Maybe their customer service and quality has improved over the past 15 years.

markeb01 10-31-2014 12:54 AM

Re: DISTRIBUTOR? what brand, or type
I've used Pertronix modules in the past and never had a problem, but for my 1960 GMC 350 Chevy, I went with a stock replacement HEI from Napa. The only "bad" distributor I ever owned with the "Blueprinter Special" from Summit. It kept grinding powder inside the cap, and left me stranded twice. Napa to the rescue.

BigDan3131 10-31-2014 02:40 AM

Re: DISTRIBUTOR? what brand, or type
I've used the Mallory Unilite on multiple vehicles and its a simple install. If your going to get a Holley just buy a cheap manifold like this one: That price is low and it adds a little bit to the torque your 283 produces saves some weight and you don't have to use some goofy adapter that will probably leak after time. Paint it to match your motor and if your really anal grind the Jegs name off.

NEWFISHER 10-31-2014 09:59 AM

Re: DISTRIBUTOR? what brand, or type
Working at a GM dealership most of my life I have seen hundreds of aftermarket HEI modules fail. The distributors seem good but you would want to swap in an AC Delco module. My 65 had an aftermarket hei in it when i bought it. I immediately bought a gm module and tossed it in the glove box. After having it towed out of the rain a few months later, I replaced the module and am still kicking myself that I didn't do it when purchased. You can also buy a complete delco hei from your local delco supplier. Even a used gm dizzy with a new shaft bushing, hall effect sensor , pickup and a module would be better than a chineese ebay one.

Chevy Fleetside 10-31-2014 10:48 AM

Re: DISTRIBUTOR? what brand, or type
Stay away from the Mallory HEI's. They have gone to crap. I bought one way back and it was nice. I since bought another one and right away the part that contacts the rotor was put in upside down and the module was crap from the begining. I called Mallory about it but all he wanted was my reciept (which I have no idea where it is) and then he told me you can put any 4 pin module in it. Seems I will put a Delco one in. I had a stock HEI from an 83 and it works great.

66Submarine 10-31-2014 02:14 PM

Re: DISTRIBUTOR? what brand, or type
Put me in as another vote for the real GM HEI if you aren't using the OE distributor.

morethanstock66 10-31-2014 05:12 PM

Re: DISTRIBUTOR? what brand, or type
You can always go junkyard hunting for a sbc distributor base and coil cover with little wear. Then, get a spring kit and set it the way you want it. New cap from autozone or where ever. And get a coil that fits your particular needs. Clean up the coil cover and base. I've rebuilt a couple and you get a basically new distributor for a fraction of the cost.

61_FL_Apache 10-31-2014 09:12 PM

Re: DISTRIBUTOR? what brand, or type
Its hard to beat the OEM HEI. That's what I use and no issues to date.

luvbowties 11-01-2014 11:41 AM

Re: DISTRIBUTOR? what brand, or type

Originally Posted by Jim53066 (Post 6898557)

...Now to the question,
since I will be changing the manifold and carb, I figure now is the time to find a replacement for the stock points distributor, I'm sure it is original. My problem and question is what to buy?

Anyone have any suggestions or recommendations? what distributors or venders to stay away from? good experiences?

Thanks, Jim

Add my vote for the readily-available and trustworthy OEM GM HEI. Imo, they cannot be beaten for your expressed needs--and one sits in my '66 right now!

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