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Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
I've had my 72 C-10 up for sale for a few months now. Unfortunately, work hasn't cooperated so I really don't have a choice but to sell it.
I have it for sale here, locally, CL, and had it on Ebay for several months with not much interest. Am I priced to high, (got to start somewhere) not patient enough, that fact its a long bed, condition, or all of the above. I'm really not sure? Hope I'm not breaking any forum rules by posting this. It really is great driving truck. It shows well and runs excellent. Any help or advice would be great. Be honest, I can take it. Thanks. http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/c...vy-c-10&cat=12 |
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
It's a nice truck but I do think the price is too high. Color also limits the market IMO but I don't like to stand out with reds and oranges so I'm biased. Dunno, I look at it and see an 8k truck but I could be way off. There's a lot of inventory out there as well.
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
One problem most people for get to list is the rear end its a big selling point.Is it Ladder bar or leaf spring.
I just wrote a letter on the forums On how to get the bang out of your truck. The AC to me is a big plus but many have said No body cancer or damage.Good points But when it comes to options. AC cab 12 bolt ladder bar rear end posi 700R4 over drive interior finished Clean truck updates like HEI new Wire harness what you done to the truck. its like selling a house curb appeal. I'm not fond of the 49.00 engine dress up Kits Chrome seem to leak oil. Did you put them new steal rubber gaskets under the valve covers and on the oil pan. Not trying to be mean but the less work the new owner has to do to make it run drive and not stain his Driveway is a Big Plus. Have you updated the factory wire harness With M&H factory harness its a plug a play system. Do you have a File on your truck with life time garrenty parts like starter water pump Alt all those are Grate selling points.You need to high light that. The more you make it a every body's truck the more you get. Rule is and some will really not be happy with me saying this But when your building your truck make sure you build it to sell. If you would of painted your truck the 2 tone orange and white or Blue and white yellow and white 12,000 would of been a little low. People want that truck type and they will pay for it. Your truck looks good No problems from what i can really see other then what i touch on. But you need to take a pic of the under the truck at the rear end People love that ladder bar 12 bolt |
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
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Dave your right on and what i pointed out.its like my 1971 Cheyenne 1/2 ton not sure what a 350 th350 with AC rear cargo light trim package with no tact no tilt be worth here is the pic and its a Black on Black truck
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
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Thanks for the comments guys and yes I did read your thread a few times.
I have next to zero knowledge on most of the things you touched on so I really don't know. I bought the truck the way it is other then adding the tires. My mechanic did through the engine and transmission and replaced seals and checked everything out. It has zero leaks. Here are a few other pictures, not sure if they help or not. Thanks. |
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
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Few more.
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
My 72 didn't have those springs behind the coils on the rear that I recall--were those an option? Looks clean though overall, big selling point. All good points above on selling. Flop a video on youtube so people can "feel it" a bit more. It will sell.
Salvage--you made a lot of good points and it is really helping folks to get to know the truck. Knowing more about the engine and trans helps folks as well. Good luck! |
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
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If I was in the market for another truck and saw this I'd keep looking. The rivets for the id plate are not original, someone has removed it for whatever reason. Could cause problem registering at the DMV or trying to cross a border for example.
Attachment 1519451 |
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
Those are overload springs on the truck in question it was an option. The last truck I bought was a 70 and it has the over loads.
Not to upset you but the lack of proper type rivets on the VIN tag could mean troubles. I am the wrong one to ask about price, the last truck I sold [05] the guy I sold it to flipped it and doubled his money all the while whining that I ripped him. |
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
Wow, thanks guys. Never even thought of an id plate being changed. Maybe the rivets where changed when it was restored.
Any suggestions on what do about this? Is there anything I can do? Thanks. |
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
If needed you can buy OEM GM rivets for your C10 , they are very hard to find but they are out there the last pair I bought cost me $ 34.00 for a pair of them,
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
Your truck has some dated accessories on it wheels rollpan grille personally I see that truck around 7500-8K but swap the grille for a stock one add a factory sport bumper maybe clean up some rallies or stressed and a few tweeks and you would be slot closer to asking price. Just like with a house presentation is everything
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
IMO if it was a SWB it would bring that all day.
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
I'm surprised you haven't had some offers. Your asking price isn't way out of whack.
A truck that clean would probably bring close to your asking price in the rust belt and northeast. But $8K-$10K might be more like it here in North Texas. Biggest issue I see is the chrome piece down the side. It's a very 80s-90s-like add-on! Rally wheels and stock grille would be next, but I doubt you'd get any of those investments back. |
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
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After owning my truck for 13 years I decided to sell my truck in 2014. I didn't want to go through the Craigslist/Kijiji hassle so I decided to take it to a a local pretty big Car Show that comes to my city every 3 years. I made up a contact she for the truck ( and I did get some help from a board member jigging the details ) and took couple of them to the show with me. I was near the truck 95% of the time and sold it at the show for 99% of the price on the contact sheet. Just throwing out an idea for you.
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
the ones with bad rabbits I don't care and now days with massive cancer in most of these trucks if the guy took the time to find another cab I be more then happy. Plus we are all not body people i know i'm Not.If the guy has a massive cancer cab and he decided to find another cab and not just put bondo over the cancer I be so delighted with him. If he pointed out that he swapped cab's do to so much body damage.I would not look funny at him one bit. To me that's a PLUS +++++ thank you for show the rear end and the C notch it was done right See pics like that should be highlighted it just makes the point on the price your asking for the C notch now goes for 2500 to 3000.00 your ladder Bar 12 bolts do fetch an extra 1500 to 2500 on the price over Leaf spring. Plus you have a rare option Over loads for your springs that means you can carry more weight then the normal 1/2 ton trucks means it might of had a full on camper.Another plus+++. there is a few guys looking for that option for there number matching truck that might be worth another $500 -1000 to the price tag.You have a gem and not even know it |
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
I've learn a lot in the past 10 years from guys going out and buying 10 to 25 trucks and parting them out.I'm a junk man and he calls me to junk the junk.I know of another guy Perry here in Moreno Valley.
He had over 75 trucks suburban flat bed 1 ton to 15 ton Chevy trucks on his property. We get to talking and most of the guys that do this tell me they get the guys in there looking for straight cab's No cancer or very little. The days of Gone in 60 seconds Are long gone for there old trucks now its all about survival.The cheapest way to save there project or sale there trucks. Guys like this one fell on hard times We all have had them days months years.It happens. At first I just thought he was the run of the mill asking 50,000 for a 12000 do0ller truck. the More gems he discloses makes this truck more liking to you me and the father looking for a Safe truck for his Only son. I like to say i'm sorry for busting your balls.Your right you where just trying to test the market to get a reaction To me you Did Very Well. Please post as many pics on this page take off all the wheels take pics you had all the gaskets done High light that be happy at selling your truck. No such thing as a stupid question unless you ask it twice. I feel you have a real good chance at getting what you want keep researching on the parts on your truck cus you might have a rare truck in the making |
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
My bad though i saw your truck was C notched it was just the rubber bumper bracket.
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
I can tell you that the VIN rivets are a big no no here where I am at in AZ. The DMV here inspects all out of state classics, at least they did to me in 05. They also told me that if I didn't put tags on a Blazer I just bought from another guy in AZ, it would require a level 1 inspection which would require VIN tag verification when I wanted tags.
Smitty |
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
There is a guy in New England on Craigslist that sell the dazy ribits for 65.00 a set
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
Thanks everyone for the responses so far.
I am out of state chasing work so I don't have the time to make the upgrades that I was hoping to when I first purchased it. My plan was to drive it and enjoy it every day and make small upgrades but unfortunately life got in the way. My parents are kind enough to let me park it in their garage and help me sell it. I do have flyers on it as well, which is a great idea btw. I need to reread this thread a few more times and take some notes since I'm not 100% sure on everything you guys are saying you guys are saying. Thanks again and keep throwing opinions. I can take. |
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
At least your responsible.Your parents must be proud.Most would want to live with parents and live off of them.But your have class i hope you find a good job that you wont need to sell your truck
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
Ok here is my two bits....maybe three...lol.
You've got a nice truck there for sure and no dispute. All in all.....good condition, apparently straight and solid as far as the pics show, not hacked up and presented as very clean and ready to go...all good points. Now one thing to consider is the $10k tipping point....and I think it is largely a psychological one. Most guys who shop north of $10k tend to be after something that has some really strong point for them....very original condition, quality swb, high option longbed,...that kind of thing. So you are on the cusp of this but may not have quite enough on the table to attract a lot of possible buyers in the general truck market. So what that means is you wait it out a bit...and market your truck like heck all over the place because somewhere there is always a buyer and you might have to work very hard to find him and it might take a little while. OR you work less hard and target the 4 figure price range a little higher up but less than $10k...maybe an option for you? OR you invest a bit of money to attract a few more buyers and this investment (in my opinion) would include a custom sport bumper (as already stated), the correct egg crate grill...and maybe change out the wheels and tires. Remember you can always resell some of the above parts to pay yourself back for the more standard more market friendly parts. Remember trucks (like houses) that appear to be personally customized do not get a lot of mass market attention....you almost have to neutralize the personal preference stuff to attract a bigger market....thats just the way it is. As I said, its the same with a house that has a lot of wild, bright paint on the inner walls or crazy appliances, woodwork, or orange shag carpet....the realtor will ask you to go over and paint it with eggshell white and lose the other stuff, regardless of how much you like it. All in all...I'll close with my initial statement...that's a nice truck you've got there and you probably wouldn't regret it if you found a way to keep it. My two bits. Coley |
Re: Looking for Advice on Selling my C-10
One of the best come backs and mine are more of being beating on people then this guy well put thank you.
Now i will add to your statement that a lot of guys that are doing it thinking they will get the same amount of money as a factory one would get. The first ones that are being build sure cus of supply and demand.But in the later years when people find out you have a Clone truck of what they are the market will drop from under you. I'm talking about the guys cutting up long beds to short bed fleet sides. Back in 1995 and 2010 hot rod did a story on clone car's Like the lemons and the GTO lots of clones out there. But the short bed fleet side is a fad it will last for a while it was like extend cabs back in 1995 all the old chevy truck from 1955-66 where stretching cab's you see many out there to day NO Yes the short bed will stick around but the cheep way on how they well the beds back to gather will bleed throw the paint. talk to any body guy a weld is hard to cover over time it likes to show its ugly head like on the 1967-69 Camaro's where the quarter panel meet the roof after some time paint cracks.shows them hidden welded spots remember metal expands when you put a cutting torch to it an all the places where there trying to reconnect it Me i rather by the brand new bed sides no weld marks ever. But make sure that you know what your buying. Some ones hack job be careful some of them job are not undo able and they wind up in my hands and i hate to do it and i get pissed but have no choise but to scrap a once Nice truck |
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