Good deal?
I have the chance to buy a 1970 1/2-ton suburban.
It's in rough shape. It has a cracked (yes cracked) driver's side fender, a cracked pass fender, bondo-filled dent by the gas filler, ugly grille, ugly bumpers, rocker rust, no hood hinges (I don't know why), 'customized' interior (needs to be soaked in gas and burned), and the only reason I'm seriously considering it: it has a big block. I'm not sure what big block, but it's a big block none the less... I didn't crawl under to see what tranny (it was on my work lunch-hour and didn't want to go back all dirty), but it might be a TH400.
He is asking $500 for it. From the looks of the interior, he needs it for drug money and I think I can get it cheaper ($300 range).
Is it worth it? Is it worth it for $500? What's a used big block go for?