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dave`12 01-09-2017 11:45 AM

specialty insurance
I've been unable to find specialty full coverage for my 67 c10. I've called several companies, and they all require a garage. I only have a carport.

If anyone knows of full coverage, where I could insure the truck for what I think it's worth, please let me know.


blf 01-09-2017 01:56 PM

Re: specialty insurance

Originally Posted by dave`12 (Post 7820403)
I've been unable to find specialty full coverage for my 67 c10. I've called several companies, and they all require a garage. I only have a carport.

If anyone knows of full coverage, where I could insure the truck for what I think it's worth, please let me know.


I'm up in Jacksonville and haven't had any luck with that. My guess is Dade county is going to be impossible.

SPOT Trace or another GPS device could help with theft, otherwise I drive very carefully :(

Mollzyie 01-09-2017 03:02 PM

Re: specialty insurance
I have haggerty . They never even asked me about garage . Maybe it's because the policy I have is for only 1k miles a yr . I'm in dade county btw . I'm ins for 10k .

blf 01-09-2017 03:27 PM

Re: specialty insurance

Originally Posted by Mollzyie (Post 7820601)
I have haggerty . They never even asked me about garage . Maybe it's because the policy I have is for only 1k miles a yr . I'm in dade county btw . I'm ins for 10k .

Wow -- I would read the policy carefully. Hagerty in particular was pretty upfront about the garaging requirement when I looked into them. I really hope it doesn't require it, if so I would like some more information on what they call the policy you have so I can look into it myself.

LongBox 01-09-2017 03:36 PM

Re: specialty insurance
Interesting thread. I assume the insurance companies are concerned that without a garage, the "specialty" vehicle is going to be vulnerable to theft. And, my guess is that they are correct--a visible specialty vehicle is more likely to be stolen than one that is out of sight.

I don't want to discourage you from looking for the insurance coverage you want, but I would think that if it is at all possible, converting your carport into a closed garage might be well worth it in terms of peace of mind, etc. It should not be excessively expensive, as the floor and roof are already in place. Framing in the walls should not be difficult or expensive, and that just leaves the door.

Shinysideup 01-09-2017 05:30 PM

Re: specialty insurance
You arent going to find specialty insurance without the garage. If you lie, your coverage will be null.

Mollzyie 01-09-2017 07:47 PM

Re: specialty insurance

Originally Posted by Shinysideup (Post 7820763)
You arent going to find specialty insurance without the garage. If you lie, your coverage will be null.

youre wrong . Cause I did . I was expecting the garage question . They never asked .

blf 01-09-2017 08:01 PM

Re: specialty insurance
Yeah but did you buy a policy that has a garaging requirement written into it? What the agent asks when writing the policy is one thing, what's bound in the policy is what matters.

I hope you are covered because it gives me hope that when I get the energy to look again, I find the same.

Mollzyie 01-09-2017 08:06 PM

Re: specialty insurance

Originally Posted by blf (Post 7820929)
Yeah but did you buy a policy that has a garaging requirement written into it? What the agent asks when writing the policy is one thing, what's bound in the policy is what matters.

I hope you are covered because it gives me hope that when I get the energy to look again, I find the same.

Just off hand I know I got the bare minimum required for state of Florida . But also the name your price for vehicle at 10k .... Now u guys got me thinkin ... I'm gonna look when I get home .

wshattuck 01-09-2017 09:16 PM

Re: specialty insurance
put some metal sides and a door on that carport...

now you got a garage!

Shinysideup 01-09-2017 10:54 PM

Re: specialty insurance

Originally Posted by Mollzyie (Post 7820913)
youre wrong . Cause I did . I was expecting the garage question . They never asked .

Call em up and ask, or look at your policy. They dont write it otherwise. Carport: No way Jose.:ito:

From their site quote


Collector vehicles generally must be stored in a private, enclosed, secure structure when not in use."

70cst 01-10-2017 02:06 AM

Re: specialty insurance
I have Hagerty and I indeed need a locked garage ... :metal:

James the III 01-10-2017 08:12 AM

Re: specialty insurance

Originally Posted by Mollzyie (Post 7820913)
youre wrong . Cause I did . I was expecting the garage question . They never asked .

They require a garage...
if the worst happens you will be SOL

pulled right from their web site


Collector vehicles must be stored in a private, enclosed, secure structure when not in use. Appropriate storage examples include:
•private residential garages
•private pole building or barns
•rental storage units

James the III 01-10-2017 08:20 AM

Re: specialty insurance

Originally Posted by dave`12 (Post 7820403)
I've been unable to find specialty full coverage for my 67 c10. I've called several companies, and they all require a garage. I only have a carport.

If anyone knows of full coverage, where I could insure the truck for what I think it's worth, please let me know.


in close the car port.. so it's lock able..
They want the vehicles out of sight.. and under lock so it's not eye candy for thugs..
Plus as seen as you have to have another vehicle for your daily. it is most times parked in front of said garage while you sleep.. blocking in the collector vehicle.. part of why your get the better coverage at low cost..

Mollzyie 01-10-2017 09:53 AM

Re: specialty insurance
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 1609407

old51sedan 01-10-2017 09:54 AM

Re: specialty insurance
I'm in the same situation. I'm a snowbird, Michigan 6 months, Florida 6 months. Insured with Hagerty (3 cars) all located and garaged in Michigan. Want to bring one to Florida, Live in a gated community with a guard all night long. Hagerty said my insurance would be null and void with out a garage. It's the thief there worried about. From what I understand in talking to my agent is that every other ins. company is on the same band wagon. If your not sure of this you need to call your Ins co. and ask before you have a problem. I'd bring a car down here in a heart beat if I could get the same level of Ins for about the same price. Good Luck.

Mollzyie 01-10-2017 09:57 AM

Re: specialty insurance
I value all yer guys input not trying to debate or argue . Not about right or wrong . I could be crazy but they never asked me about garage or picture of garage . But then again . Op is asking about full coverage .

James the III 01-10-2017 10:03 AM

Re: specialty insurance

Originally Posted by Mollzyie (Post 7821482)
I value all yer guys input not trying to debate or argue . Not about right or wrong . I could be crazy but they never asked me about garage or picture of garage . But then again . Op is asking about full coverage .

That is all they write .. full coverage..
call them and tell them you have no garage and see how fast you get cancelled..
good luck but you are playing with fire..

jackyl9999 01-10-2017 10:05 AM

Re: specialty insurance
Everyone that was not asked about a garage. Was the agent a hagerty agent, or your personal agent selling hagerty?

My allstate agent sold me my hagerty policy, I was asked about a garage. I also had to bring the truck to the office for pictures.

Just curious.

blf 01-10-2017 10:06 AM

Re: specialty insurance

Originally Posted by Mollzyie (Post 7821482)
I value all yer guys input not trying to debate or argue . Not about right or wrong . I could be crazy but they never asked me about garage or picture of garage . But then again . Op is asking about full coverage .

Same here -- I'm interested to make sure I didn't miss an opportunity, and so you know what coverage you really have.

So what you posted says "Private Garage/Barn/Pole Building" -- I was told my carport or driveway didn't meet that requirement unfortunately. Gotta have something enclosed.

Mollzyie 01-10-2017 10:13 AM

Re: specialty insurance
If I was doing something malicious I'd be playing w fire . They walked me through it . I'm not the ins agent . Any problems and it's on them .

James the III 01-10-2017 10:13 AM

Re: specialty insurance

Originally Posted by jackyl9999 (Post 7821492)
Everyone that was not asked about a garage. Was the agent a hagerty agent, or your personal agent selling hagerty?

My allstate agent sold me my hagerty policy, I was asked about a garage. I also had to bring the truck to the office for pictures.

Just curious.

Hagarty and others, expect the customer to either ask what is required or read what is off their site..
It is listed in b &w , and listed on the coverage paperwork they send you.. when you sign the form you agreed to all the requirements being true..

Grumpy old man 01-10-2017 10:20 AM

Re: specialty insurance

Originally Posted by Mollzyie (Post 7821478)

$10,000.00 bodily injury won't cover squat in today's litigious society , all that policy is good for is keeping you legal , if you own a home or anything else you may want to increase all of that ? Most policies with uninsured motorist coverage still mean your responsible for your deductible, so that's another thing to ask about , when someone's young and doesn't own anything low coverage is the cheap way out but as you get older and have "stuff" good full coverage is a requirement, Never cheap out on coverage ! And heaven forbid it's a serious accident you have to remember your driving 50 year old technology structure wise .

jackyl9999 01-10-2017 10:33 AM

Re: specialty insurance

Originally Posted by James the III (Post 7821501)
Hagarty and others, expect the customer to either ask what is required or read what is off their site..
It is listed in b &w , and listed on the coverage paperwork they send you.. when you sign the form you agreed to all the requirements being true..

I agree, I wanted to be completely legal incase something did happen to my truck that I was not left with nothing. I have a garage, so I am not worried about it.

I would almost be worth getting a mini storage to lock it up. Otherwise maybe look at another insurance provider other than hagerty. Some coverage would be better than none. Especially if it was over something like not having a garage.

My 25k value costs me 250 a year with hagerty. So I am happy.

Mollzyie 01-10-2017 10:40 AM

Re: specialty insurance
[QUOTE=Grumpy old man.[/QUOTE]

I hear u man . And you're right about that .... I got the minimum cause I drive barely 40 miles a month . Most likely less . Maybe next year I'll look into more coverage when 1 yr policy is up . Then maybe they'll ask about garage .

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