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"ttt" ????
I am fairly new to this message board. Can some please tell me what some of the "short hand" words mean. IE "TTT" "LOL". If there are any more can you share them with me? Thanks
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Sorry, couldn't resist |
laughing out loud |
LOL= Lots of Laughter
And don't feel bad I had to have someone tell me these also. |
laughing my a__ off! |
in my opinion |
rolling on the floor, laughing my @$$ off POS piece of s*%t PO previous owner SWB short wheel base LWB long wheel base sb small block bb big block |
WTF what the F***? ;)
And Eric's (ocbaud) favorite: STFU
Shut the F**K Up. |
here you go....hope I didnt leave anything out
:-) Your basic smilie. This smilie is used to inflect a sarcastic or joking statement since we can't hear voice inflection via a modem. ;-) Winky smilie. User just made a flirtatious and/or sarcastic remark. More of a "don't hit me for what I just said" smilie. :-( Frowning smilie. User did not like that last statement or is upset or depressed about something. :-I Indifferent smilie. Better than a Frowning smilie but not quite as good as a happy smilie. :-> User just made a really biting sarcastic remark. Worse than a :-). >:-> User just made a really devilish remark. >;-> Winky and devil combined. A very lewd remark was just made. Upper or lower case: <G> Grin <BG> Grin <BFG> Big Fat Grin <BFGWST> Big Fat Grin, With Sharp Teeth (for those particularly pointed comments) Emotions: |-) hee hee |-D ho ho :-> hey hey :-( boo hoo :-I hmmm :-O oops (not to be confused with :-o Uh oh! Less Common: %-) User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight :*) User is drunk :-9 User is licking his/her lips 8-) User is wearing sunglasses :-7 User just made a wry statement; user is smirking :'-( User is crying :'-) User is so happy, she/he is crying :-@ User is screaming User has a broken nose, or user's nose is sliding off of his/her face. :< ) User is stuck up :-& User is tongue tied. -I User is asleep -O User is yawning/snoring O :-) User is an angel (at heart, at least) :-D User is laughing (at you!) :-X User's lips are sealed :-C User is really bummed :-/ User is skeptical *<:-) User is wearing a Santa Claus Hat :-X A big wet kiss :-] Smiley blockhead :-" Whistling smiley ?-( Black eye %-6 User is braindead I User is an egghead <:-I User is a dunce K:P User is wearing one of those propeller beenies. ( Hats with propellers. ) User in invisible (get it?) ,-) Winking smilie 8 :-) User is a wizard :-q User is trying to touch his/her tongue to his/her nose :-e User is disappointed :-i User is uncertain :-p User is sticking his/her tongue out (at you!) :-j User is half-smiling Small smiley >:-> Devilish smiley (:-( Very unhappy smiley ,-} Wry and winking smiley 8-O Omigod '-) Winking smiley :-{ Mustache :-C Real unhappy smiley :-{} Smiley wears lipstick :-! Foot in mouth :---) You lie like pinnochio ]-I Smiley wearing sunglasses (cool, therefore no smile, only a smirk!) ~(: O A baby is crying, or user is a cry baby. :-* User ate something sour. :-)~ User just drooled. :-$ Put your money where your mouth is! :-& User is tongue tied. -'-,--{@ A rose ACRONYMS -- abbreviations for common terms/phrases; commonly used on early BBS and Support Forums AFAIK As Far As I Know ASAP As Soon As Possible BBS Bulletin Board System BRB Be Right Back BTW By The Way DL DownLoad (obtain one or more files) from another computer to yours. FAQ Frequently Asked Question(s) FWIW For What It's Worth FYI For Your Information GDR Grinning, Ducking and Running (seen in variations, such as GD&R or GR&D, or the one for someone who made a particularly nasty comment: GD&RLH = Grinning, Ducking and Running Like Hell) IAC In Any Case IAE In Any Event IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer (Often followed by "but, ..." as in: "IANAL but, it seems to me ...") IMCO In My Considered Opinion IMHO In My Humble Opinion IMO In My Opinion (there are many variations on these, including: IMNSHO = In My Not-So-Humble Opinion, and so on ...) IOW In Other Words ... KWIM Know What I Mean? LOL Laughing Out Loud (includes such variations as: LOLSCOK = Laughing Out Loud, Spitting Coffee On the Keyboard; and LOLSTC = Laughing Out Loud, Scaring The Cat) NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement NFW No (fill in the blank) Way NRN No Reply Necessary OIC Oh, I See (gee, that was hard) OL OnLine OTOH On The Other Hand PITA Pain In The (fill in the blank) PMBI Pardon Me for Butting In PMJI Pardon Me for Jumping In QA Quality Assurance ROFL Rolling On the Floor, Laughing (also: ROTFL). Variations on this include: ROFLSTC (Rolling On the Floor, Scaring the Cat) and others even stranger. RSN Real Soon Now (Often used for release dates for software) RTFM Read The F...ing (er, Friendly?) Manual (or Message) SITD Still In The Dark SOP Standard Operating Procedure SYSOP System Operator TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (often attributed to Robert A. Heinlein, from the novel "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress", although there is some debate over this ...) TIA Thanks In Advance TIC Tongue In Cheek TS Tech Support TTFN "Ta Ta For Now" (a la Tigger from Winnie the Pooh) TTYL Talk To You Later UL UpLoad (send a file/files/data from your computer to another) WAD Works As Designed (e.g., "Is that a bug, or is it WAD?") WAG Wild-(fill in the blank)-Guess (Also, SWAG for Silly Wild ...) WRT With Regard To WTF What The (fill in the blank) (as in: "WTF is wrong with this program?") WTIM With That In Mind WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get |
ohpps forgot
(.)(.) small tits (_._)(_._) big tits (_'_)(_'_) big silicone tits ( )( ) (.)(.) grandmas tits \./\./ national geographic tits |
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