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MARTINSR 04-15-2019 10:30 AM

Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!
4 Attachment(s)
I have maybe posted about this before. But damn it's valuable! Yesterday I started getting a few parts together for my chassis build that will be coming this week. One thing I was a bit concerned about was if I had nuts for the front axle U bolts. I have MANY boxes of stuff in a few locations and I went to my parts location binder and WHAM, box number 26 in the shed. Went out there opened it, bam, there are the U bolts with nuts on them.

This has really helped me BIG TIME being an old dude and all but even as a young dude the few minutes spent on this every once in a while saves a bunch of time and frustration.

I simply got a binder (in my case one of my dad's from a Fiat dealership he worked at in the seventies) and just started doing it, done deal. I have an "index" with the location of the boxes first page. Then each page is a section of the truck. And yes, many overlap so I will put the same thing on a few pages like inner windshield moulding may be in "cab" "dash" and "windows" just to be sure I find it easily.

Honestly, before I did this I had a number of goofy things happen where I bought things twice and just simply forget something existed. The binder is now right next to my desk as I post this and I can look anytime I want to see where something is or if I even have it.

I also started keeping receipts in this binder too.

I HIGHLY recommend doing this guys!


8man 04-15-2019 11:24 AM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!

I've tried to be organized and label stuff, put it in a specific spot, etc., but I didn't even think to actually log stuff in so I can find it.

1project2many 04-15-2019 01:49 PM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!
I go so far as to tape all screws removed from a piece to that piece, then label the tape. It helps so much when looking for clues. Six screws, six holes, no mysterious fastener to deal with later.

MiraclePieCo 04-15-2019 05:19 PM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!
Great idea!

It seems like every car project I buy has already been disassembled by a PO who threw everything loosely into one box. I usually discover the correct part immediately AFTER I've bought a replacement.

MARTINSR 04-15-2019 05:47 PM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by 1project2many (Post 8507559)
I go so far as to tape all screws removed from a piece to that piece, then label the tape. It helps so much when looking for clues. Six screws, six holes, no mysterious fastener to deal with later.

We put the fasteners in bags tied to the part at work, this works REALLY good. A little note like I have put here like a flag on the nylon tie works like a champ. Someone else often puts the car together and this really helps out. And like putting our trucks together 10 years later we are "different" people! LOLOL


1project2many 04-15-2019 07:52 PM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!

And like putting our trucks together 10 years later we are "different" people! LOLOL
Me, when removing part: "There's no way I'll forget where that goes."
Me, ten years later holding part in hand: "I have no clue where this thing goes. Why didn't I realize there's no way I'd ever remember this?"

Also, for us old-timers, digital pictures are great but don't forget to take them off the phone!! Phone gets destroyed or thrown out and all the shortcut notes disappear with it.

Driver_WT 04-15-2019 08:55 PM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!
Great idea. I just have to develop the discipline to do it. :lol:

I have a number parts that I have purchased twice (or more times) having forgotten that I had bought the part a few years prior. On my truck project, I have now bought the screws for a running board step plate three times, but I have never managed to buy a step plate.


MARTINSR 04-15-2019 10:48 PM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!
4 Attachment(s)
Ok, so let's go a little further into this idea I have thrown out. First lets start at my first idea, a binder with a list of where things were, in the shed, rear shelves, side shelves up in the attic, that sort of thing. This is the problem, if you move it you have to change it in the book, oh yeah, that's going to happen. If you look at the photos of the boxes in these photos you will see a list on some of the boxes of what is inside, FORGET IT, that sucks! First off you have to write a story on the box, then what happens if you take something out? If you add something, you have to put more, you have to dig through the boxes reading every friggin word to find something, FORGET ABOUT IT, that sucks too.

No, just a number with a circle around it like I do, that tells you EVERYTHING, that one number. With your log if you should take something from a box you just scratch it out in the log. You can see that I scratched out the stock axle, STOCK, nope, not anymore, it's dropped and it's not in the shed its in the garage ready to mount, along with the spindles I scratched out too. Or if you add something just add another line in the log. You don't have to add it to the box number, you just add a line and put that box number next to it. You can put that same box number ten times, who cares?

You can put more things in a box, just add it to the log. I am not kidding guys, this has REALLY paid off big time for me.


nvrdone 04-15-2019 11:15 PM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!
some people are genius with the simplest things. best idea ive heard recently. thanks brian.

MARTINSR 04-16-2019 12:03 AM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!

Originally Posted by nvrdone (Post 8507903)
some people are genius with the simplest things. best idea ive heard recently. thanks brian.



mr48chev 04-16-2019 01:28 AM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!
That is one of those things I wish I had thought of and done.

I try to keep a build book on every project In a 3 ring binder with page savers and notebook pages or a spiral notebook. Most of the time it is bills of sale, receipts or detailed info on where the major component came from. Photos of the used major components as bought and in one case the body and frame were bought.

1project2many 04-16-2019 07:40 AM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!

On my truck project, I have now bought the screws for a running board step plate three times, but I have never managed to buy a step plate.
The easiest way to locate the parts you've already bought is to buy them again. You have to figure out where to put the new parts. The odds are good that you're going to put them in the same location you used the last time.

8man 04-16-2019 08:11 AM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!
Thanks Brian. That really helps.

jbarron 04-16-2019 08:20 AM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!
This takes all the fun out finding that part you know you have, but just can't figure out where some garage Nome put it.

Just spent hours looking for my bumper mounts and hood hinges. Gave up on them multiple times. Then called in help to go through everything and arrange it all.

When you order the part for the part you ordered to replace the part you cannot find you are there.

MARTINSR 04-16-2019 10:19 AM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!

Originally Posted by 1project2many (Post 8508046)
The easiest way to locate the parts you've already bought is to buy them again. You have to figure out where to put the new parts. The odds are good that you're going to put them in the same location you used the last time.

LOLOL, if that isn't the truth!


Darthintel 04-16-2019 04:44 PM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!
On the modern take - I use One Note on my computer to document everything and take pictures / upload to the cloud and also attach to One Note.

I also keep track of the $ and hours spent on each task, and include the part numbers of items bought.
If I research items I also include a web link to the data.

Works for me.

MARTINSR 04-17-2019 09:54 AM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!

Originally Posted by Darthintel (Post 8508359)
On the modern take - I use One Note on my computer to document everything and take pictures / upload to the cloud and also attach to One Note.

I also keep track of the $ and hours spent on each task, and include the part numbers of items bought.
If I research items I also include a web link to the data.

Works for me.

Yep, there you go, that works too. Just something, something to keep you from loosing stuff or searching for hours.


notsolo 04-17-2019 10:07 AM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!
Great idea Brian, Thanks.....hard to tell how much I could get done if the parts were handy...Hope I can find the log book...

MARTINSR 04-17-2019 11:20 AM

Re: Really any year, keeping log of where your parts are. YES it's worth the time!

Originally Posted by notsolo (Post 8508797)
Great idea Brian, Thanks.....hard to tell how much I could get done if the parts were handy...Hope I can find the log book...

Put it in the exact same place EVERY TIME no matter where you are and how far you need to walk put it in the exact same place every time.

I have some OCD kinda issues (it's oddly random) and I will get people saying stuff about this knocking me. But I NEVER come to work without the key to my tool box, you know what I mean? I see it OFTEN, guys coming to work without the key to their box, how in the hell can this happen? Well first off, one of the first things I did when I came to work here was to hide a key to my box in the shop! I have NEVER needed it, but it's there. I got a new box, changed the hidden key. I don't know, it's worked well for me.


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