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Bermblaster 11-28-2003 02:34 PM

garage photos
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Bermblaster 11-28-2003 02:37 PM

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Bermblaster 11-28-2003 02:39 PM

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Bermblaster 11-28-2003 02:40 PM

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dubie 11-28-2003 04:08 PM

great googly moogly!!! I would give my right nut to have a shop like that :D Nice shop!!

Palf70Step 11-28-2003 05:23 PM

Very Nice. Some day mine will grow up too

70short 11-28-2003 05:48 PM

SCORE!!!!!!!!!! Good job Berm! The pictures look great!!!:cool:

dubie 11-28-2003 06:20 PM

nice shop Bill!! I wish i had one in my back yard!! all i have a is a 9' x 9' shed that isn't even done yet, so I can't really stor much in there.

Bermblaster 11-29-2003 03:36 AM

new shot staight on
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new shot staight on

charlieo 11-29-2003 01:41 PM

I don't have a shop yet (except the great outdoors) but I hope to put up a metal building in the future ! By the way I like that clean organized garage !

70c10 11-29-2003 08:16 PM

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Nice shop man, Heres mine as of 4 weeks ago. I need to update the pic though. Hopefully in about a month I will be parking inside!

Porkchop 11-29-2003 09:18 PM

So, if you have a garage like that, do you really need a house:D .
I am very envious. Someday......someday.......:D

Stingray42 11-29-2003 11:21 PM

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My Backyard, and more importantly, garage! :D

Stingray42 11-29-2003 11:21 PM

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1600 square feet! :metal: :metal: :metal:

Stingray42 11-29-2003 11:22 PM

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Cool eh?

K5KRAZIE 11-29-2003 11:59 PM

Those are all nice. I was clearing mine out so I could moove around in it before the cold hit. Maybe some day I will paint the walls and add more light.....

charlieo 11-30-2003 11:25 PM

nice !
Thats the one I'd like. My father-in-law is an iron worker and said he would help me put it up.

TwinTurbo 11-30-2003 11:55 PM

Nice shops I see here dang. I don't have any good pics of mine but it's kinda cramped and a huge mess (they don't show my home built 800 liter 9HP compressor, built from an army surplus air tank and some other bits and piece, my tool chest and some other stuff) So, here's my mess :)

Bermblaster 12-01-2003 04:18 AM

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Thanks for all of the photos of different shops and garages. I encourage more photos of shops and special touchs added to make your shop more user friendly and space saving. Any ideas greatly appreciated! This my parts cleaner I installed into my countertop to save shop floor space. With the lid closed I don't loose valuable counter space. Berm!!!!

King-Suburban 03-14-2005 11:12 PM

Here is mine so far.. 30x40 w/ 13' ceilings and a full upstairs.. now we need a house..

BodyShopDropOut12 03-14-2005 11:29 PM

Your like my new idol berm. :lol:

Seriously though thats a really sweet lookin shop and I want it! lol Someday I'm hopin to actually have a real garage myself.

Brainchild 03-14-2005 11:42 PM

I divided a 12x24 section out of my garage for the mans room.No pics of the back,which is in need of a coat of paint,and a piano removed.Here is a pic of the mans room as I see it:D

Mans Room

Wasn't what you expected was it?

GMC71k20 03-15-2005 08:40 PM

twinturbo- any details on that fuelie motor? is it a kinsler cross ram on that? is that your vette?

TwinTurbo 03-15-2005 09:17 PM

IT's a custom cast crossram, kind of like the moon crossram sold by inglese but a tad different (the runner pairs are spaced out more the linkage is in the center of the manifold), the carbs are dellorto dlha 45 tri jet pressure carbs off 2 lotus esprit turbo cars. It's not fuel injected, but it does have 2 turbos :)

what vette, the yellow 2001 coupe? No, it's my old man's..I don't have anywhere near the amount of cash needed to buy something like that here (125.000$ new price here :( )

Palf70Step 03-15-2005 09:44 PM

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Here is some of mine since it grew up (built during last summer). You can see my old workshed/carport in the backgroun in the 3rd pic.

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