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Ultrasummer 12-03-2019 08:06 PM

The most confusing manual ever
1 Attachment(s)
So I just got this factory assembly manual and it makes no sense to me. It looks like they took all 1064 pages and shuffled them like a deck of cards, and put a cover on it. No index. No order. Not even grouped in any kind of sections. Am I missing something here? If I wanted to look at ....the starter for example, I'd have to leaf thru page by page until I see what I'm looking for. Surely I'm having a senior moment here and there has to be a better way of finding things in this manual. Anyone?

GASoline71 12-03-2019 08:32 PM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
If that's a copy of an original manual... they weren't really made for the general public truck guy. They are the manufacturers assembly instructions for the factory and for dealers that had to disassemble and reassemble trucks.


CG 12-03-2019 08:50 PM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
Someone will chime in Im sure. There is a free downloadable pdf of the index. I did a quick search and didn't see it.

BigBird05 12-03-2019 08:53 PM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
Let me know if you don't want it. I speak fluent factory.

Clatterville trolley 12-03-2019 10:18 PM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
I had much the same reaction when I received my Assembly manual and looked it over. So if and when someone steps up with the link to this 'index' mentioned I want to be following this thread so that I don't miss it.

Sheepdip 12-03-2019 10:31 PM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
I always just used little sticky type index markers on the page of choice once I found it for future reference. I feel your pain!

69GMC2004 12-03-2019 10:32 PM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
I believe there's a thread on this board somewhere, some of the members made a spreadsheet detailing what you can find on what pages. No idea where to find it though.

HO455 12-03-2019 10:34 PM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
Every GM assembly manual I have ever seen is the same way. They weren't meant to be released to the public. I believe any index you may find has been created by someone outside of GM. There are folks around here who would know for certain but my understanding is they were meant to have the pages distributed to individual workstations on the assembly line as a reference for the workers. In addition they were given to dealerships as a reference for repair and dealer installed options. Correction, they weren't given to the dealers, the dealers were required to purchase them. All part of that great GM feeling. :mm:

Astro-Balls 12-03-2019 11:13 PM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
You will get real good at flipping through pages to find the right pictures...

jocko 12-03-2019 11:32 PM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
Yep, this manual sucks right up until you finally find what you're looking for, at which point it's worth its weight in gold. I made a half-baked attempt at an index, but my pages weren't even numbered... I manually numbered them and was building an index, but after about 5 minutes I realized I started too late in life to ever finish, so I'm still in the same boat as you. I basically do what sheepdip mentioned, whenever you find something you need, stick a sticky on it and label it.

Ultrasummer 12-03-2019 11:56 PM

Re: The most confusing manual ever

Originally Posted by Clatterville trolley (Post 8637082)
I had much the same reaction when I received my Assembly manual and looked it over. So if and when someone steps up with the link to this 'index' mentioned I want to be following this thread so that I don't miss it.

I second that !

Ultrasummer 12-03-2019 11:59 PM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
Maybe we could attempt to put a positive spin on this thread. What is your go to manual for these trucks? What manual do you like?

Ironhorse 12-04-2019 12:01 AM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
I want in on this also if someone can ever index that jumbled wealth of useful information, LOL. :chevy:

70c10-08 12-04-2019 12:38 AM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
I took post it notes and marked what is 1970 only and, any other pages that I need only so one side of my manual is nothing but post it notes.

dmjlambert 12-04-2019 12:58 AM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
Forum member Ackattack coordinated and many people contributed to the index. I don't have an assembly manual yet, but I have the thread bookmarked for when I do get one.
The link to the index is in the first post, and there is mention on one of the subsequent posts that in order to see the index you need to go to Tab "Sheet1"
The manual is available in both paper and CD versions, I will probably get both.

GMCPaul 12-04-2019 07:33 AM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
The first thing to learn is the assembly manual is broken down by year, at front it starts with 1967 and illustrates everything for the 1967, then it goes to 1968 and illustrates all changes made in 1968, then 1969 illustrating all changes made and so on and so forth until you reach the rear pages that depict 1972. So if you know it a item that never changed such as the truck cab its-self you know the information is in section for 1967, if your looking for 71-72 bumper mounting you go to the 1971 section as that's the first year it was changed and thus isn't shown under the 1972 section since no change was made. Initially it can be a pain to use but the more it is used the quicker you know what sections to look in for the information desired.
Our pet peeve about them is we just wish they had reproduced the entire manual without editing out the part #'s or sizes on fasteners etc.....
Paul Jr @ GMCPauls

LockDoc 12-04-2019 09:39 AM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
My CD has a search feature, so it is easy to find a word if you know what you are looking for. By this I mean GM didn't always use the same terms we do. On some words there are a lot of references to that word but it is still a lot easier than thumbing through the book.


clay68c10 12-04-2019 09:52 AM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
Take the time to go thru your book with that index and label the page numbers. It’s worth it the first time you have to find something.

OregonNed 12-04-2019 11:26 AM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
I found nice, original copies of the overhaul and general manuals for my 1968 - much better than the copy you have.. reasonable priced as well. - on Ebay....

hooverfish 12-04-2019 11:36 AM

Re: The most confusing manual ever

Originally Posted by clay68c10 (Post 8637281)
Take the time to go thru your book with that index and label the page

Exactly ! What he said ^^^^^^^^^^^
just number every-other page, like 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on.
Work at it 10 or 20 minutes, then put it down and come back later for another session.
You will soon have it done, and combined with the printed index you will have a useful tool.

GerhardH 12-04-2019 11:50 AM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
Thanks for the great index. My manual has at least already numbered pages (printed).

Here I found an excellent explanation how it have to work:

Normally the Assembly Instruction Manual use the so called UPC (Uniform Parts Classification), which is shown normally on the bottom of the page, but probably missing in our truck catalogs.

UPC 0: General Information, Vehicle Shipping List, and lubricants, sealers, and adhesives.
UPC 1: Body
UPC 2: Frame
UPC 3: Front Suspension
UPC 4: Rear Suspension and Driveshaft
UPC 5: Brakes
UPC 6: Engine
UPC 7: Transmission and Clutch
UPC 8: Fuel & Exhaust
UPC 9: Steering
UPC 10: Wheels & Tires
UPC 11/13: Front Sheet Metal, Radiator, and Grille
UPC 12: Electrical
UPC 14: Bumpers & Miscellaneous

1971Stepside 12-04-2019 12:07 PM

Re: The most confusing manual ever
I've got mine by my comfy chair. When I'm watching tv I'll pick it up and number pages. I can do about 200 at a time before I get annoyed with it. Printed the TOC mentioned above.

I would like to take it apart and put all the pages in the clear plastic covers, but it would be huge and expensive.

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