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AM I wrong in being disappointed?
I recently purchased a 2 wheel drive blazer from a forum member. I will remove his user ID but am quoting his replies to my want to buy add. Upon receiving it I was disappointed and believe it was misrepresented. Here is the quoted posts. Please vote in the poll.
https://i.postimg.cc/sDKPvPjm/IMG-20...443810-HDR.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/3J3C8fTW/IMG-20...-130949629.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/0jPmNjhh/IMG-20...-125414618.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/264hmh94/IMG-20...422510-HDR.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/nrmz2186/IMG-20...-082959046.jpg |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
Since he said it was 'rust free' twice in the first message, and it clearly is NOT rust free, I would say it was misrepresented, although some people have a different idea on what exactly 'rust free' means. Depends on what part of the country you are from. People who live in dry climates will say that is rusted out, but people in Minnesota may say it isn't too bad, which for that part of the country, it probably isn't. That said, you probably should have taken him up on the third party inspection he was open to. To me it looks like it has a lot of filler in it, just based on the fact that I cannot see a seam where the rocker panels are put on, that should be there if it wasn't full of mud.
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
With that being said if I was selling that vehicle I would have added pictures of at least the passenger rocker that could be seen without removing anything. I do not believe someone would not have known that was there if they know anything about these vehicles! It was the first place I looked and my heart sank!! |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
if this forum's admin doesn't step up to assist the buyer, I'll have zero respect for its integrity..
where's all the forum family? support forum with your wallet? because a forum family 'high octane' seller just ate it's own with an egregious misrepresentation.. buyer deserves a refund plain and simple, seller should be ashamed of themselves! that level of dishonesty is theft, pure and simple. |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
Was the truck misrepresented? YES Did he know about the issues? He had to! I offered him to buy back at $20,000 and he said no! Some here are saying its worth more than $20,000 I am asking, why has nobody purchased if it is such a good deal? Maybe because I am too honest and am disclosing everything like a decent person would! I don't want him dealt with, but I do want everyone to know BUYER BEWARE! |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
First off I try to give a seller the benefit of the doubt unless I have proof that they were intentionally mis-representing the truck (i.e. actually looked underneath and under the mats and knew about the rust). But when you are selling a vehicle for this kind of money, and a buyer asks about rust, I think it's at LEAST an unintentional gross mis-representation that is deserving of a refund. It's one thing to say "rust free" knowing nothing is truly rust free, but when you're asking that kind of money and a buyer is concerned about it, that's not acceptable.
For what it's worth, I'd suggest a full refund plus half the related expenses would be a reasonable settlement. |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
perhaps it was a matter of semantics.. he meant...if you buy the vehicle you get the rust for free....
regardless of that...yes it was misrepresented...in my opinion |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
I think this is jumping the gun just a little. This was just posted today. Has the OP contacted Administration about this? Probably not since he is just now asking for opinions on it, so I'm betting they know nothing about it. Has he contacted the seller? I don't have a clue but that is the first thing that would have to happen to see if they can work it out instead of the members on here starting a witch hunt. Admins are usually really good about helping members out when they have problems with sellers. First the buyer has to decide what he wants to do. That is why he is asking for other members input. At least give Admins and others a chance before chastising them. LockDoc |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
buyer posted pictures in his thread 3 days ago..
I commend the buyer for his composure, mine would be drastically different.. either way, this forum has a duty to respond or acknowledge this is acceptable.. doesn't even take full day to get a post edited when a 'paying' rule is broke.. same enthusiasm should be employed here where member is losing thousands.. regardless of buyer's stance, forum owners shouldn't condone this or ignore it.. |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
Quick response happens when a regular user reports it, not from an admin reading every single thread. That's what the little red triangle is on every post. The forum is not condoning or ignoring it. The forum is short staffed. And the admins rely on people to report problems, not wait for them to be seen. |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
I can NOT say this enough. I did not inspect the vehicle I am an idiot and it is costing me. I know better. I also want others to learn from my mistake. I am NOT asking admin to intervene or anything. I would hope after seeing all the replies and the true condition of the vehicle he would refund $5,000 but he is not going to! |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
^ granted, and I'll concede to my own impatience, I apologize..
still hope the forum owners take the time when possible to state their position on this.. very troubling to see someone so humble taken advantage of in an environment regarded so highly of by a large majority of membership, including myself.. and just because I don't contribute $25, quite frankly because I don't see the necessity as I'm not selling anything, I do follow all the rules and quite frequently spend a fair amount of time contributing thoughtful and hopefully at least to someone, meaningful to someone.. and I do buy quite a lot here, which supports paying sellers and their membership.. a membership of people in a common forum, online or otherwise should at least be honest and fair to each other above all.. business dealing for profit of any kind should never take precedence over that.. and reading some of sellers posts, doesn't sound like they were some unsuspecting novice regarding condition of vehicle in question, quite the contrary.. scams and predatory business is all around us and my perception is that this forum community rejects it and as much as possible fends it away.. I see the buyer is rejecting any admin assistance so that's the end of my rant.. I just hope it doesn't happen to someone else here again but I suspect it will.. 'a leopard can't change its spots' |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
-klb |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
So did you have a 3rd party inspect it?
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
I dont consider it rustfree. But i dont think the seller should give you $5000 back either.
You are having “buyers remorse”. You could have had it inspected and saved yourself a crap- ton of anguish. But you wanted to save money based on sellers honesty. Bad idea, always a bad idea. I have bought cars from all over the country, cabs, and lots of parts. And i have a couple times been lied to. I should have asked a few more questions. i looked at all your post on this. Especially your pics where you put it for sale. And the one where you talk about what you wanted to do with it. That Blazer is about as rustfree as they get. It would be very difficult to find a Blazer tub nicer than that one. Your are willing to throw large sums of money all over the place to get things done to it. Seems like your $5000 loss isnt much. I say sell it. Take the loss. Go buy a Honda Civic and give up the Classic truck hobby. As you state you cant do anything on your own. You will constantly be disappointed in what shops will do for you. Dont be all butthurt about my opinion. You put this crap out here. Admins here have no legal obligation to help you. Nor dos the site owner. They may if you play your cards right. |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
I don’t think you’re wrong being upset but, I’m not judging anyone either.
It stinks because $25000 is a whole lot of money to me. This is a terrible teachable moment. |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
I don't know what the admin's can really do? Ban the guy? Send him a strongly worded letter? If he's the type of guy that would rip off a fellow member (or anyone else for that matter) My guess is that he'd still just keep the money.
I know I've been taken so many times, in so many ways that I've lost track. It sucks. But don't let your disappointment cloud your judgement. If some of the knowledgeable people on here say that you could still sell the Blazer for what you paid. At least try. I've sold cars when I was in that state of mind and regretted it. I'd get mad and give it away. Only because I was angry. Then in retrospect would ask myself why did I do that. Sorry for your disappointment. I hope it all works out. |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
Due to my Injury I had to sell my 2 year old motorcycle and my Mercedes SL500 because I couldn't ride anymore and couldn't do the work on the SL anymore. I also sold most of my gun collection as I cant shoot rifles anymore. Selling all that stuff is what gave me the amount I had to buy finished or buy and pay to have some work done. Once this budget is gone I will never have the ability to do this again! I have a great fabricator who has done work for me in the past so I don't think I would be disappointed in his work. I do think telling me to get a honda civic is a little condescending but I have thick skin? When I sold the Mercedes SL500 a nice gentleman from Tennessee wanted to buy it. This car was nice! Panoramic roof, all the 11 hydraulic cylinders replaced, upgraded to Mercedes Silver arrow brakes etc. He was ready to send a check and a car carrier based on my add. I insisted he get a pre purchase inspection and would take it to any Mercedes dealer within an hour or so of my house. He agreed and bought based on that inspection. When the car arrived he said it was better than described. I guess some of us just do things differently. I would never want someone disappointed after buying something I sold! |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
I really feel for you in this situation and have been following your posts.Agree a lot of members feel you should ask more and like you stated no one has stepped up even for the 20k...As far as your honesty about condition you are doing the right thing.Personally I hope someone who does there own fab work will see the good in your truck and purchase it...We all have taken a hit but you dropped a lot of money and have every right to feel the way you do...yes buyer beware,yes a 3rd party...but buying from a member who will not work with you is a punch in the gut period..Yes it is one of the nicer tubs out there but it is not as descibed.I would take a step back in the next few days and work on a plan.You have it for sale for a price you feel comfortable with.....The following is my 2 cents;))If it does not sell quickly I would have the truck tuned up,pick up some used belts so you can have it inspected...this wont kill the budget and since you own it at least you can take it out for a drive while you contemplate your next step and maybe by then someone will take it off your hands or you might start to like it...........I wish you were closer to Pa I would buy the rims that came on it..anyway I hope this has a positive ending for you...I am pulling for you!!! .Rob
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
Unless someone steps up to buy it the Blazer will sit until my fabricator has a chance to stop by and evaluate in person. I can't even do the spark plugs and tune up let alone install the belts. I have a good friend who I pay $20-25 an hour cash for his labor and I tell him what to do, my hands so to speak. I feel bad asking as I have asked a lot of him over the last 3 years. If I want to drive it I must get a MA inspection, it will not pass. What many don't know is there were quite a few texts and pictures between the seller and I. Asking about what is there, rust, what works and what doesn't etc. I talked to him on the phone a few times. I prefer texts as it is written proof of what was said. When I called the seller on the condition he says "I never said it was rust free". That is right here on this very forum. I am not going to posts all of the texts we sent. If it sells it sells. If not I will try to get it fixed. Might not do the paint but just the rust repairs. Probably wont do anything interior wise so I can afford the repairs. |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
(but not someone on or concerned with this site) |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
He's a CROOK
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
I have been in similar situations, expectations not met and buyer's remorse on a variety of things in my life. It is probably possible to overcome the feelings, and I would encourage you to try really hard to do so. Overall that is a beautiful truck. Get fixed the few things that are true problems such as steering wheel/horn, loose shifter, glove box, and other annoying things like that, put some carpet back in it, and start driving it thousands of miles per year.
My truck has 50 years of rust, including a couple of small completely rusted through spots. I had a few of the really bad spots repaired for about $500 so I am no longer getting large quantities of water in the cab during rain. If I drive it another 50 years, I suspect spots I did not take care of, and which are rusted through now, will turn into problems that actually need fixing. I've had the truck for 6 years and I can't see any change at all in the "problem" rust areas. It rusts incredibly slow. I'll most likely be dead or no longer driving before I have problems with it. When you think of the rust on your truck, think about how many years do you really plan to use it, and will that small amount of rust really be a problem or just annoy you because you know it's there? Nobody's going to open the passenger door and say "oh my God look at that rocker." They're going to be impressed by the whole truck. I agree with fine69 on "That Blazer is about as rustfree as they get." Just because it has that amount of rust does not mean the rust needs to be repaired right now. I'm not minimizing your feelings or trying to be a butt. I know what the feeling is like. I just hope to give you words of encouragement, and would like you to enjoy that truck for what it is, a remarkable condition 50 year old thing of beauty. Also please don't bash yourself, you're not an idiot. |
Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?
If it was just the rockers I "might" be able to agree. It is the doors, the kick panels, at least the drivers quarter, probably both quarters, and the front fender. I bet if we start stripping this thing there will be 20 pounds of bondo in it. Look at the cracking bondo on the corner of the door in the first picture. It is 1/2" thick! A big bump and someone is going to sue me when it flies through their window! (that might have been a little dramatic) |
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