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Boog 04-17-2020 05:56 AM

Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
Apparently some of ya'll over there are getting too comfortable at home these days. :lol:

Ya'll know who you are.

special-K 04-17-2020 06:11 AM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
:LOL: This is FAS!!! <That's Funny As Stuff! :lol:

I am proud to not only have my state be selected for the limelight, but this is in my county! First masks, now pants too??? What next? :lol:

If you read on they make it sound like this is all over the country and going on about why. Even talked to Walmart corporate and they say shirt sales are up and pants sales lagging :lol: Taneytown is what you might call a hick town. At least that's the kind of police dept they have. It's an old old town between Baltimore and Gettysburg on the old diagonal road that connected them. It's out by itself in farm country. But there have been a few reasonably priced housing developments popped in. This could be a decrepit townie or lazy yuppy or could be the whole town. I mean, nobody told me you had to wear pants until now :lol:

Some woman posted on Facebook, "I've been 30 days inside, none of my pants will fit" :lol:

Boog 04-17-2020 06:26 AM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
Uh huh. "Ya'll know who you are." :lol: A real knee slapper!

4u2nv 04-17-2020 06:44 AM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
My neighbor , I bet she has nice undies !!!!!!!
Maybe if I started the trend ???

67C10Step 04-17-2020 08:46 AM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!

Originally Posted by Boog (Post 8718233)
Uh huh. "Ya'll know who you are." :lol: A real knee slapper!

Boog, you know one thing I have discovered in my first 50 years on this planet? Those that should "know who they are" rarely, if ever, do.

Another thing I have discovered spending time in a lot of states across the nation, the south gets a bad rap for being redneck, hillbilly, etc. but if you get far enough out in the country in any state in this nation you see the exact same thing. Sometimes you don't have to get out of the city either. ;)

richard2717 04-17-2020 09:04 AM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
1 Attachment(s)
To be fair our governor mandated masks not pants. Finally got me one that fits


Boog 04-17-2020 09:24 AM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!

Originally Posted by 67C10Step (Post 8718267)
Boog, you know one thing I have discovered in my first 50 years on this planet? Those that should "know who they are" rarely, if ever, do.

Another thing I have discovered spending time in a lot of states across the nation, the south gets a bad rap for being redneck, hillbilly, etc. but if you get far enough out in the country in any state in this nation you see the exact same thing. Sometimes you don't have to get out of the city either. ;)

They are every where.
When I saw the story and the locale I thought of K after he had just mentioned his walk up and down the road. And danged if it isn’t in his county! As he is looking down for snakes he might give a look at his legs to make sure he has his pants on. :lol:

67ChevyRedneck 04-17-2020 09:33 AM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
My guess is the complaints have been about people you wouldn't want to see half naked... otherwise people would shut up and enjoy the show.

special-K 04-17-2020 09:41 AM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
3 Attachment(s)
I'm not sure if I walk out with no pants on or not. Never thought about it. All I know is my neighbors never said anything.

Those copperheads were either end of that guardrail ahead on the left
Attachment 2003539

Stream is in between

Boog 04-17-2020 10:01 AM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
Looks better n some of the masks I’ve seen Richard. ;)

Boog 04-17-2020 10:06 AM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
Those copperheads are aggressive alright. Even the babies. Those buggers will strike at you 6 ft away. And whoever said snakes don't have good vision are wrong. ;)

67C10Step 04-17-2020 10:23 AM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
Looks like good copperhead territory to me. Those little quiet buggers are almost impossible to see in a bed of leaves or the right colored rocks. All the people I know that have been bitten by snakes it has been copperheads. No water moccasins or rattle snakes.

Older snakes can control their venom better and I know a guy that actually got a dry bite from a copperhead when he stepped on it. The baby ones give you all they got.

Back to the subject at hand, as Special K said, those without pants are the ones you would probably buy pants for if they would put them on. Same thing I see on TV at the nude beaches and nudist communes. Dang! Put some clothes on.

1976gmc20 04-17-2020 11:43 AM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
Our mailbox is almost 1/4 mile away.

When I walk down there, I am not only wearing pants but also a .357 six shooter ;)

Never leave home without it. Actually never be home without it, unless I really am not wearing pants.

special-K 04-17-2020 07:31 PM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
I could have killed both snakes but that wouldn't mean I don't have to look for snakes anymore. If I saw two... How many more? I look at it like we just happened to cross paths and now I know I should think about it. Plus, the rest might get mad and come and get me at my house. I just see 5' black snakes here

1976gmc20 04-17-2020 08:59 PM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
We have various snakes here. Some of them don't have legs ;)

Steeveedee 04-17-2020 10:04 PM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!

Originally Posted by 1976gmc20 (Post 8718919)
We have various snakes here. Some of them don't have legs ;)

I see what you did there. At work I just called them back-stabbing essobees...but I did it to their face, and sometimes even during meetings. I could be pretty unpopular, sometimes, but at least the rest of the peops knew who was stabbing them in the back. ;)

1976gmc20 04-17-2020 10:20 PM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!

Originally Posted by Steeveedee (Post 8718965)
I see what you did there. ...

I detailed the situation in the "neighbors" thread a while back.

Short version: the old drug addict living in a tool shed across the crick threatened to kill me last fall. Sheriff dept can't be bothered to do much about it :(

special-K 04-18-2020 07:03 AM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
Could you relocate venomous snakes upon his local and let mother nature take care of it? :LOL:

Somebody need to drop a packet of a lethal substance that looks a lot like crack in his path and let him do the dirty work. < Not a murder plot. Just brainstorming to come up with good movie material :rolleyes:

1976gmc20 04-18-2020 06:04 PM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 8719137)
Could you relocate venomous snakes upon his local and let mother nature take care of it? :LOL:

Somebody need to drop a packet of a lethal substance that looks a lot like crack in his path and let him do the dirty work. < Not a murder plot. Just brainstorming to come up with good movie material :rolleyes:

I'm sure he has his own rattlesnakes. He doesn't walk much I don't think.

A bottle labeled oxycontin might do the trick :devil:

I, on the other hand do walk a lot, instead of driving down to the dang mailbox. A person quits walking places, they end up old and fat and crippled. That's why I don't buy an ATV.

special-K 04-18-2020 09:17 PM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
I'm the same way. I have nothing against 'effort'. Keeping that up keeps everything running smooth. I have neighbors of 30+ years. I'm built the way I was when I moved here and they have doubled in size. They drive to the mailbox, take the trash down, kids to bus, even to the sister's place behind me, which is next to them. Shorter to walk than drive, but there's a …. HILL!!! :ack:

1976gmc20 04-18-2020 09:35 PM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 8719762)
I'm the same way. I have nothing against 'effort'. Keeping that up keeps everything running smooth. I have neighbors of 30+ years. I'm built the way I was when I moved here and they have doubled in size. They drive to the mailbox, take the trash down, kids to bus, even to the sister's place behind me, which is next to them. Shorter to walk than drive, but there's a …. HILL!!! :ack:

Guy that moved in next door a couple years ago is about 20 years younger than me. He is amazed how I can hop on and off a horse. He is some overweight and rides a 4 wheeler on his place instead of walking. I try to take a 2-3 mile hike every day depending on the weather and ground conditions. I am a bit more careful these days because I don't want to wreck a knee slipping in the ice or mud. Also the aforementioned walk to the mailbox and often one or more round trips to the barn which is about 900' each way by the trail. And then there is checking and repairing the fence lines on foot sometime.

Not to mention cutting and splitting all our firewood.

I still probably sit around way too much especially in the winter.

Steeveedee 04-18-2020 11:46 PM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
Yeah, I gained 30 pounds after I retired. I've lost 10 of that and am working on the rest. Having arthritis in my feet ain't helping any. :(

special-K 04-18-2020 11:50 PM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
I hear you. If my feet can take it a walk helps keep me loose. It's just not the same wearing pants, tho'

Steeveedee 04-19-2020 10:42 AM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!
:lol: Yeah, but nobody wants to see my chicken legs.

FleetsidePaul 04-19-2020 11:36 AM

Re: Hey Maryland. Put your pants on people!

Originally Posted by 1976gmc20 (Post 8719598)

I, on the other hand do walk a lot, instead of driving down to the dang mailbox. A person quits walking places, they end up old and fat and crippled. That's why I don't buy an ATV.

I drive to my mailbox. Not because I'm lazy (which I am) It's just that I know my crazy neighbor will come out and talk my ear off.

She's nice and I know she's lonely. But the elevator doesn't go to the top floor if you know what I mean. She rambles on and on. I try to avoid her but even when I drive she catches me at the mailbox sometimes.

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