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Racer2172 04-21-2020 01:21 PM

Project Quarantine
1 Attachment(s)
Well figured time for a build thread on this truck that I have had for six years. Actually spotted it back in 2011 sitting in a backyard as I drove by it on my way to work. I always looked to see if it was still there and it was for the next two and half years. Well one day my roommate comes home and is like hey I saw an old truck for sale, well once he told me the location I knew exactly what truck it was. We jumped in the truck and went to talk to the owners and some brief back and forth with the owner. $600 bucks later it was mine. Went home grabbed the ol 70C30 tow truck and brought it home. Well as it happens to a lot of us life gets in the way of plans and projects. So after moving this truck around from Nevada to Washington, then back to Nevada I finally brought it home to where I live now in Arizona this January. Suprisingly after a new fuel pump and a temporary fuel tank system I was able to drive it for the first time since owning it this last Sunday. Brakes wor enough to safely move it around the neighborhood and all it runs well enough to. Of course lots of little things to fix to make it road worthy, which aside from cleaning that is the current approach to keep it driveable and fix things as we go. My Daughter has taken an interest in and has already put in some time getting it cleaned up. So here we go a project to stay busy during quarantine.

cornerstone 04-22-2020 08:50 AM

Re: Project Quarantine
Very cool that your daughters into it! :metal:

What are your ultimate plans for the truck?

Racer2172 04-22-2020 12:49 PM

Re: Project Quarantine

Originally Posted by cornerstone (Post 8722490)
Very cool that your daughters into it! :metal:

What are your ultimate plans for the truck?

Honestly no set plans just yet. Just cleaning and fixing while keeping it driveable so as not to loose motivation. Fixed the alternator last night as it was only being held on by the adjuster, fortunately i have a few parts stashed away after owning a few of these trucks over the years. Of course now the headlights that were working perfectly decided they don't want to turn on. So begins the game of whack mole of fix one thing something else starts to act up. I am definitely stoked that atleast one of my kids is into helping out, have to say she really surprised me. If she is lucky she might get to drive it when she gets her license.

Racer2172 04-23-2020 01:01 PM

Re: Project Quarantine
5 Attachment(s)
So each evening been getting things done little by little. Cleaned out the interior with the help of my daughter. Also figured out what was wrong with the seat and got the parts on order and last night with the help of my daughter we go the oil changed. Tonight will likely be swapping in a new starter. Also have to figure out what happened to the headlights they were working now only parking lights think the switch.

cornerstone 04-23-2020 11:48 PM

Re: Project Quarantine
Interesting shifter handle and indicator/ base on the floor of your truck... it looks a lot like one from a 69/70 Mustang, but with a longer throw. Do you know the story behind that?

cornerstone 04-23-2020 11:53 PM

Re: Project Quarantine
Looks like your daughter got a bit of an oil bath :lol: least she's brighter than I was the first time I did that, I had oil trickeling down my scalp and out my ear.

Racer2172 04-27-2020 03:01 PM

Re: Project Quarantine

Originally Posted by cornerstone (Post 8723987)
Interesting shifter handle and indicator/ base on the floor of your truck... it looks a lot like one from a 69/70 Mustang, but with a longer throw. Do you know the story behind that?

No idea on the shifter really it was in the truck when i bought it. Truck was an original three on the tree manual transmission truck someone swapped in the auto at some point. left the clutch pedal in and all. which actually Im glad I think in the future, Id like to go back to manual with a car 4 speed variety. I have manual, floor shift column out of a 67 stashed so would be fairly easy, have most everything except a transmission and shift setup to do it at somepoint.

The daughter didn't do bad at all with oil change, and she laughed about it the whole time. Ill take the help as long as I can and she so far enjoys it.:metal::lol:

69GMC2004 04-27-2020 06:15 PM

Re: Project Quarantine
Looks like fun! I can't wait until my daughter's old enough to help me out in the garage.

I see you also have the same problem I do, your pictures are all rotated when they upload lol

Racer2172 04-28-2020 02:03 PM

Re: Project Quarantine

Originally Posted by 69GMC2004 (Post 8727089)
Looks like fun! I can't wait until my daughter's old enough to help me out in the garage.

I see you also have the same problem I do, your pictures are all rotated when they upload lol

Yep Im sure at some point Ill figure out how to get them back upright lol

Racer2172 04-29-2020 12:30 PM

Re: Project Quarantine
2 Attachment(s)
Getting things done a little bit at a time. Received missing seat parts so started putting the seat adjustment lever back together, got it pretty close just have some adjustment to get it to release both sides correctly. Also pulled the gas tank out last night, has some lovely old gas in it, so will get it drained tonight and work on getting it cleaned out as well as the lines will use for now have a rear mount tank that will go in at some point, but not ready to pull the bed yet. Want to keep this thing driveable or moveable for now.

rodstored-72 04-29-2020 02:28 PM

Re: Project Quarantine
nice beginning.:metal:

cornerstone 04-29-2020 11:00 PM

Re: Project Quarantine

Originally Posted by Racer2172 (Post 8728381)
Getting things done a little bit at a time...

Want to keep this thing driveable or moveable for now.

This is advice that would save a ton of trucks... I bet thousands of classics have suffered the fate of the scrap yard or part outs because guys will take it all the way down with the intent of a full restoration or resto mod. Unless you've done it before one has very little comprehension of the hours and costs involved. Keeping it on the road and handeling individual projects one or two at a time is wise!;)

Racer2172 04-30-2020 04:14 PM

Re: Project Quarantine

Originally Posted by cornerstone (Post 8728807)
This is advice that would save a ton of trucks... I bet thousands of classics have suffered the fate of the scrap yard or part outs because guys will take it all the way down with the intent of a full restoration or resto mod. Unless you've done it before one has very little comprehension of the hours and costs involved. Keeping it on the road and handeling individual projects one or two at a time is wise!;)

Definitely trying to stick to that theory had a few too many incomplete projects that never got finished and sold or scrapped. So trying to keep this one moving forward without going to deep is definitely a good motivator and the daughter helping is a plus.

Racer2172 05-14-2020 11:55 AM

Re: Project Quarantine
Time for a quick update, been cleaning and working away at few little things. I am almost done doing gas tank clean out and coating along with a fuel line clean out. Hopefully get it all back together over the weekend. The daughter is still jumping in and helping out. Next on the list is a transmission service. Along with a lot of other basic maintenance. One step at a time.

Racer2172 07-30-2020 04:10 PM

Re: Project Quarantine
Been a little bit since an update. Daughter went to visit her mom for a bit and the Arizona heat showed up so slowed down progress a little. But did get the transmission serviced up and some fresh fluids in it. Also got the stock gas tank cleaned up and coated and cleaned out the factory fuel lines. Now that the daughter is back home she keeps asking to work on the truck, so every few days in the evening when it cools down from the over 100 degrees heat we have been getting small things done. The truck would turn over and start when we would put a battery in, then would act like the starter was bad. So the daughter and I dropped the starter out and started cleaning it up and in the process found part of the armature from the solenoid was broken. So we dug through the parts stash around the garage found another starter but it had a different bolt pattern and nose cone so made one good starter out of the two. We reinstalled it last night and re did the battery cables. Truck turns over and starts consistently now. Now to fix a tire that gave up the ghost might take it for a little drive before we take on the worn out carrier bearing. Sorry no pics of the recent progress will try to get some more as we progress again.

Racer2172 08-27-2020 05:22 PM

Re: Project Quarantine
Well with the lovely summer heat here in AZ the progress has slowed a little but the daughter and the step son, jumped in and helped get a small project done. We tackled the badly wired stereo that was in the truck. Fixed the wiring and found some speakers that i had in the garage and we now have tunes in the truck. Also discovered that when i had replumbed the fuel system I didnt get the fuel line going into the fuel pump completely tight so it had a small leak and was sucking air. After all the work we were able to take the truck for a drive around the block a couple of times. Hopefully will get a few more small things taken care of and will get it registered and insured so it can be driven a little more.

cornerstone 08-28-2020 12:40 AM

Re: Project Quarantine

Originally Posted by Racer2172 (Post 8798923)
Well with the lovely summer heat here in AZ the progress has slowed a little....

Over the years I've noticed the higher the temps the fewer the posts in the projects and build section, myself included. It's only natural so try not to get discouraged. I guess only the guys who have an air conditioned workspace have no excuse!:lol:

Racer2172 08-28-2020 01:34 PM

Re: Project Quarantine
Yes the heat definately can slow progress, especially here in southern AZ 115 gets a little rough, we do have ac in the garage but between the race car and the wife's car, dont get to sneak the truck in too much lol. But we did for the last bit of work.

Racer2172 12-22-2020 12:14 PM

Re: Project Quarantine
Well not much new to update, like always life has a way of getting in the way, Daughter is busy with cheer and I have been busy getting the race car ready for the 2021 season. Did however score some free parts last weekend. was given a mid 70's square body for scrap for free. Salvaged the front the crossmember and some other odds and ends to update the 68 in the near future. Even came with a full set of five lug rally's. Hauled the rest off to the scrapyard made 95 dollars in scrap with what remained not bad for some free parts and few hours work.

cornerstone 12-22-2020 01:08 PM

Re: Project Quarantine
Ya' can't beat that! SCORE:metal:

Racer2172 03-31-2021 03:44 PM

Re: Project Quarantine
Still busy with the racing so no new updates to report. Though I have been rounding up some more parts for it. I traded with a friend for another power plant for the old truck as the one currently in it doesnt seem to be all that long for life. I am also headed north this weekend to bring some more stuff out of storage so will likely bring a better transmission home for the truck as well

LT7A 04-01-2021 11:49 AM

Re: Project Quarantine
My favorite kind of project: Fix it, drive it. Fix it, drive it. Cool that you are building it along with your kids.

Racer2172 06-17-2021 04:18 PM

Re: Project Quarantine
Well we are on racing break for a couple months time to get back on this thing, maybe get some stuff done. Retirement from military and vacation in the mix, but lets see if we can get some things knocked out its only 118 today here.

cornerstone 06-20-2021 08:18 AM

Re: Project Quarantine
its only 118 here today.

Please tell me you have a carport or a garage to work in instead of the direct sun! We've been in the high nineties with 85% humidity for the last week here and I can only do 2-3 hours in it before I start to think heat stroke.:devil:

TK1636 06-21-2021 01:52 PM

Re: Project Quarantine
I have a garage but I don't like going in there until the sun is going down. Lucky for me most of the hard work is done so I don't have to be in the garage on my days off.

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