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Sevens 07-23-2020 12:36 AM

Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
I picked up my truck at the beginning of the year and started planning...

The plan was to collect parts all year and use my Christmas bonus for a new 383 stroker.

I picked up a nice 60/40 split bench seat, and I replaced my hood. I did a tune-up and rebuilt the carburetor. I started cutting out the small rust spots in preparation for body work... I started shopping for a transmission to rebuild and have ready...

I was really excited for this build.

Then (thanks to COVID) I got laid off. Going from making 6 figures to nothing was definitely a shock. I work in construction management and there aren't any jobs out there right now. I've searched for two months now.

This was supposed to be a build thread.

I guess I just wanted to vent. :waah:

This too shall pass and then I will post a build thread :D

nsb29 07-23-2020 10:17 AM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by Sevens (Post 8780255)
I picked up my truck at the beginning of the year and started planning...

The plan was to collect parts all year and use my Christmas bonus for a new 383 stroker.

I picked up a nice 60/40 split bench seat, and I replaced my hood. I did a tune-up and rebuilt the carburetor. I started cutting out the small rust spots in preparation for body work... I started shopping for a transmission to rebuild and have ready...

I was really excited for this build.

Then (thanks to COVID) I got laid off. Going from making 6 figures to nothing was definitely a shock. I work in construction management and there aren't any jobs out there right now. I've searched for two months now.

This was supposed to be a build thread.

I guess I just wanted to vent. :waah:

This too shall pass and then I will post a build thread :D

Be thankful you’re not sick and work on the stuff that doesn’t cost money

Android04 07-23-2020 01:20 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
I completely understand your vent, and we are all adapting to this odd time we are all living. Hate to hear you got laid off, but the job will soon return. I'm having to work full-time (blessed and thank full) but also be the teacher and child care for my two kids since schools are now online only.

So yeah my alcohol consumption has increased. Hang in there man.

forestb 07-23-2020 08:47 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
If it is any comfort know that everyone is struggling during this time. My work did not shut down an because of that I got COVID and have been Quarantined for five weeks. It was only today that I got my second negative test result so I should be free and clear but now my boss wants me to come back into work but I don’t know if I feel safe doing so. I guess I am blessed that I don’t make 6 figures so unemployment insurance probably helps me more than it might help you.

And I could not agree more that these things to shall pass.

roll_the_dice 07-24-2020 10:15 AM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
Back to the OPs topic...hang in there. Construction is booming where I live...hopefully it will come back to your area soon. I own airbnb rental houses as my main source of income and lost all revenue since March. People just started booking in mid June, but still not like it was before where every weekend is booked and people flock to the area. This too shall pass.

jchav62 07-24-2020 10:58 AM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
Hang in there Sevens... Like was already said, work on the stuff that doesn't cost $$$. Trucks are great therapy. I've been working from home since March. My wife was laid off around that same time. Once her unemployment kicked in, she was actually making more money than when she was working... she has since gone back to work.

Construction is booming around here... I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you all are back on track. Good luck and be safe... :ito:

Clyde65 07-24-2020 11:21 AM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
Hoping you get even a better opportunity soon!

I have been blessed and have been working through all this. I have some $ to buy parts but no time to do any work to the truck because I also have a child at home.

Keep your head up!
Posted via Mobile Device

slepysal 07-24-2020 11:39 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
Hang in there. Remember it can always be worse. The old saying comes to mind. When one door closes another opens. You'll bounce back !

Sevens 07-26-2020 06:28 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
Thank you for all the positive words.

I'm in a little better state of mind this week. I'm sure things will get better!

As far as my truck is concerned, my top end is having issues. I think I have a bent valve or a flat lobe on my cam. I haven't done a compression check yet, but will in the next few days.

I am running on 7 cylinders; number one is getting spark and fuel...but definitely missing.

Since I have time these days, I am thinking about just buying a top-end kit (cam, lifters, push-rods, heads, intake, and carb) and doing the work myself.

I filed for unemployment but California...well it's been two months and it's not approved yet. It's very frustrating but seems to be status quo for the State. I can't wait to get out of here!

AcampoDave 07-26-2020 07:00 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
I wouldn't drop the the coin until ithe motor is opened up. Once a motor grids a cam lobe down all those metal particulates wind up circulating throughout the motor. This usually spells bad news for crank and rod bearings. Edit: It sounds like things are very uncertain for you presently. You mentioned getting out of CA and that the EDD is still dragging their feet. My advice is to keep a tight grip on your wallet and ride things out a while longer. Keep fixing those dents and rust holes which requires more time than money and leave the truck a runner 'till this gets behind us.

Sevens 07-26-2020 08:55 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by AcampoDave (Post 8782264)
I wouldn't drop the the coin until ithe motor is opened up. Once a motor grids a cam lobe down all those metal particulates wind up circulating throughout the motor. This usually spells bad news for crank and rod bearings. Edit: It sounds like things are very uncertain for you presently. You mentioned getting out of CA and that the EDD is still dragging their feet. My advice is to keep a tight grip on your wallet and ride things out a while longer. Keep fixing those dents and rust holes which requires more time than money and leave the truck a runner 'till this gets behind us.

I appreciate the advice. I know that what you recommend is the "smart" thing to do.

Also, my wife agrees with waiting, and we all know what that means. :haha:

Steeveedee 07-26-2020 09:53 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
I wouldn't call it "California dragging it's feet", personally. There hasn't been a disease sweeping through the world's population like this in over a century. Things are bad everywhere.

AcampoDave 07-27-2020 12:27 AM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
Steevee is right, and making a bunch of runs to the local auto parts store for odds 'n ends while trying to avoid the 'rona.....Stay well, you know what they say... "Happy wife, happy lfe."

SCOTI 07-27-2020 01:21 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by Steeveedee (Post 8782337)
I wouldn't call it "California dragging it's feet", personally. There hasn't been a disease sweeping through the world's population like this in over a century. Things are bad everywhere.

Agreed.... Here in TX, my GF was out of work for almost 12weeks. Her work filed on employees behalf's & also told her to file independently. 10wks before she was able to get things square & actually receive any benefits. But, it was adjusted for the entire duration once it did hit her account.

Luckily, she lives in a rental property her mom owns so the land-lord wasn't worried & I covered costs for eating & household stuff since we were constantly @ her place during the state/area shut-down quarantine.

Sevens.... Work on the free stuff or on whatever you can that you currently have the parts for. It all has to get done so changing the order of things is what will help press forward.

nsb29 07-27-2020 02:15 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
Florida is just as bad people have been laid and filed for unemployment and have gone back to work and now laid off again and still have no unemployment Go figure

Sevens 07-28-2020 10:21 AM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
Well guys, it looks like my career may be taking a new path...

I have a friend of a friend who is the COO of a solar company...he heard I was looking for work and recommended me to their senior project manager who called me yesterday. They are offering me a job...

It's considerably less money than what I was making, but it is in a good field and the company is expanding and growing so there is lots of room for growth/advancement on my part. I am living well within my means so I can handle the change without too much pain...just have to cut back on spending "fun" money on guns and eating out (note that I didn't say "truck").

I think most important right now is the fact that it is stable work in a field that isn't going away anytime soon... The weird part is that I was considering making some changes and focusing more on a single trade so this is almost fortuitous timing.

I have to give them an answer tomorrow but I am leaning towards taking the position.

SCOTI 07-28-2020 10:22 AM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by Sevens (Post 8783150)
Well guys, it looks like my career may be taking a new path...

I have a friend of a friend who is the COO of a solar company...he heard I was looking for work and recommended me to their senior project manager who called me yesterday. They are offering me a job...

It's considerably less money than what I was making, but it is in a good field and the company is expanding and growing so there is lots of room for growth/advancement on my part. I am living well within my means so I can handle the change without too much pain...just have to cut back on spending "fun" money on guns and eating out (note that I didn't say "truck").

I think most important right now is the fact that it is stable work in a field that isn't going away anytime soon... The weird part is that I was considering making some changes and focusing more on a single trade so this is almost fortuitous timing.

I have to give them an answer tomorrow but I am leaning towards taking the position.

One closes. Another opens....

Sevens 07-28-2020 10:23 AM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
As far as unemployment goes, there are unprecedented numbers of claims...I believe that most states are behind.

California admitted that they were behind because of antiquated systems that couldn't handle the volume and were so old that there really isn't a way to update them. During this flood of claims isn't a good time to replace their I shall remain patient.

vin63 07-28-2020 12:00 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
Hang in there. I went through something similar in 2009. Fortunately, the previous recession in the late '80s gave me a chance to turn some of my hobbies into small revenue streams and helped me diversify a bit. I had a chance to re-focus on those hobbies to get me through being laid off in 2009. Take what you can now and focus on some of the things you like to do. It may open up opportunities for you, as well as keep your mind occupied on something positive. Good luck.

Steeveedee 07-28-2020 07:40 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
I hope things work out for you! One thing to keep in mind is the Three Gorges Dam in China that is in danger of breaking because of record levels of rain. 45M people have been "relocated" from below it. If it goes, it takes out MOST of the manufacturing, a lot of the military and something like, if I remember right, 1/3 of the people. It's a heavily populated region. The ruined manufacturing part would make for a tough time getting solar panels, as a lot of them are made in China. That could be a catastrophe of world shaking magnitude, given how much China makes for the world. Not to mention that many lost lives.

One consequence would be that recovery would take decades, and production would have to be in other countries. Something to think about.

slepysal 07-28-2020 09:03 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...
Hopefully this can put things in perspective.......
I had to take my wife to the hospital Sunday (non Covid) she had an infection in her leg. Yesterday they called me to tell me she passed away.
I am numb all projects are on back burners.Trying to wrap my head around what just happened.
My Dad's words come to mind
" No matter how bad things are going for you, there is someone who has it worse"

No I am not asking for pity just trying to let you know that things may not be as bad as we think

Steeveedee 07-28-2020 10:14 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by slepysal (Post 8783486)
Hopefully this can put things in perspective.......
I had to take my wife to the hospital Sunday (non Covid) she had an infection in her leg. Yesterday they called me to tell me she passed away.
I am numb all projects are on back burners.Trying to wrap my head around what just happened.
My Dad's words come to mind
" No matter how bad things are going for you, there is someone who has it worse"

No I am not asking for pity just trying to let you know that things may not be as bad as we think

Man, that's horrible! :( My condolences.

'63GENIII 07-28-2020 10:50 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by slepysal (Post 8783486)
Hopefully this can put things in perspective.......
I had to take my wife to the hospital Sunday (non Covid) she had an infection in her leg. Yesterday they called me to tell me she passed away.
I am numb all projects are on back burners.Trying to wrap my head around what just happened.
My Dad's words come to mind
" No matter how bad things are going for you, there is someone who has it worse"

No I am not asking for pity just trying to let you know that things may not be as bad as we think

Damn Sal. Thats terrible. Im sorry to hear that. My heart goes out to you and your family.

'63GENIII 07-28-2020 11:02 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by Sevens (Post 8783155)
As far as unemployment goes, there are unprecedented numbers of claims...I believe that most states are behind.

California admitted that they were behind because of antiquated systems that couldn't handle the volume and were so old that there really isn't a way to update them. During this flood of claims isn't a good time to replace their I shall remain patient.

Probably of little comfort but this thing hasn't left anyone unscathed (except for the few that were set up to ride out stuff like this) and you are not alone. Not by a long shot. Everyone was caught off guard and is getting a correction in one way or another. Opportunities will come.

Paddle harder when you need to, rest when you can and tread water if you have too. The point is to make it to the other side in one piece.

'63GENIII 07-28-2020 11:06 PM

Re: Setbacks. Thanks to COVID...

Originally Posted by Steeveedee (Post 8783450)
I hope things work out for you! One thing to keep in mind is the Three Gorges Dam in China that is in danger of breaking because of record levels of rain. 45M people have been "relocated" from below it. If it goes, it takes out MOST of the manufacturing, a lot of the military and something like, if I remember right, 1/3 of the people. It's a heavily populated region. The ruined manufacturing part would make for a tough time getting solar panels, as a lot of them are made in China. That could be a catastrophe of world shaking magnitude, given how much China makes for the world. Not to mention that many lost lives.

One consequence would be that recovery would take decades, and production would have to be in other countries. Something to think about.


I saw this and thought it was photoshopped. The article I was reading quoted the officials as saying "the dam is deflecting within acceptable limits" or parameters or something like that implying that was normal movement for the worlds biggest dam.

If that much movement is normal, when I build my next dam, I sure as hell aint hiring those guys!

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