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MAC71Cheyenne 01-30-2021 01:45 AM

Is Eldebrock toast?
News feed says Eldebrock is shutting down its Torrance headquarters and laying off all staff in every department!

This post was moved from the message board, (Thanks n my apologies) Didn't look where I was before spouting off.

siggyfreud 01-30-2021 02:00 AM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
If I had to guess I'd say they're preparing to sell.

MikeB 01-30-2021 04:34 AM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
This may have been in the works for a while. Looks like they formed a joint venture with Comp and are moving to Olive Branch, MS just south of Memphis, TN.
This is from March 2020:

When searching for info on Edelbrock (not Eldebrock) I also read that Fox Racing relocated their HQ from Southern CA to Gainesville, GA. They have been making motorcycle and off-road vehicle parts for 50+ years, and are famous for their shocks.

Won't be long before the looney politicians out there won't have any businesses left to over-tax and over-regulate. Last company to leave CA, please turn out the lights!

ChevyRacefan 01-30-2021 05:51 AM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
Why they did not leave 25 years ago, is beyond me.
Staying in a state that won't allow your product to be used on 90% of the vehicle fleet in the state. I would have left along long time ago.

REDROCKER652002 01-30-2021 08:20 AM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
Not car related, but I believe Google, Facebook and Oracle are all moving out of California as well. I cannot wait until I can retire and get the hell out of here too. They tax you to death here and give it to the drug addicts and homeless.

72GreenMonster 01-30-2021 09:53 AM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
And no more gas burning v8's by 2035

California has a mass exodus of industries leaving

71step35035012C10S 01-30-2021 11:04 AM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?

This article says it’s some type of merge with Comp cams?

wesmigletz 01-30-2021 12:08 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
I used to drive by their HQ in Torrance. I’ve owned a lot of Edelbrock intakes and heads over the years. I miss the So Cal car scene and weather, but that’s about it.

MAC71Cheyenne 01-30-2021 12:46 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
If they are bailing on sunny California I can't say I blame them.

MikeB 01-30-2021 01:01 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?

Originally Posted by wesmigletz (Post 8872126)
I used to drive by their HQ in Torrance. I’ve owned a lot of Edelbrock intakes and heads over the years. I miss the So Cal car scene and weather, but that’s about it.

I lived in San Pedro a few blocks from the ocean in the late 60s-early 70s. So Cal was an absolutely great place to be for gearheads, with Lions Drag Strip, Orange County International Raceway, Ascot Speedway, Riverside Int'l Raceway, and more.

There were dozens of speed parts manufacturers there, as well as makers of dirt bike performance parts. Many, if not most, had retail stores out in front. I still remember walking into the Erson Cam store and buying a camshaft.

Can't forget the beaches or the short drive up into the mountains for great views, and to cool down on a hot summer day. Wonderful place back then.

FleetsidePaul 01-30-2021 01:28 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?

Originally Posted by MAC71Cheyenne (Post 8872151)
If they are bailing on sunny California I can't say I blame them.

Me either. And I've lived in California my entire life. Born and raised here.

The taxes and regulations are out of control. I just paid $368 for registration on my 1991 Cadillac and my 71 truck was about the same.

Edelbrock would be smart to move to a more business friendly state. I would.

I can't imagine the nonsense that they had to put up with here to make parts for those evil internal combustion engines.

The Rocknrod 01-30-2021 01:45 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
Ya I was in the Over the Hill Gang San Diego for many years, loved the rodding scene but I just couldn't take it anymore. Many, many companies are making the exodus out of there and I too don't blame them.

54blackhornet 01-30-2021 03:16 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
It’s a shame what happened to CA ! ...:metal:

FleetsidePaul 01-30-2021 03:17 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
My wife and I drive through California City from time to time.

California City was supposed to be the new Los Angeles. It never happened. All the infrastructure is there to build homes. Miles of empty streets. Ready to go.

My wife asked me why.

It simple. No jobs. If someone wants to build or buy a home then they usually need a good job. And there's nothing there. So all that land just sits. It's been like that for 30+ years.

If you could build some large factories in that area then people would come for work. It would turn things around. But that's certainly not going to happen in California. No one is going to build a factory here.

LockDoc 01-30-2021 09:58 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
Remember if it gets too political the thread will be closed....


FleetsidePaul 01-30-2021 10:38 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
Not trying to get political Leon. It just breaks my heart when I see the broken dreams.

MikeB 01-30-2021 10:51 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?

Originally Posted by LockDoc (Post 8872414)
Remember if it get too political the thread will be closed....


OK. I'll change "looney politicians" to "unwise".

ChevyRacefan 01-30-2021 11:27 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
I thought Cali, be an island by now, floating away.
Seems they are way over do, for the big one.

Axle 01-31-2021 11:10 AM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?

Originally Posted by MikeB (Post 8872005)
This may have been in the works for a while. Looks like they formed a joint venture with Comp and are moving to Olive Branch, MS just south of Memphis, TN.

From here;


She didn’t reveal how many displaced workers, if any, might be shifted to that location. Edelbrock is owned by Evanston, Ill.-based Industrial Opportunity Partners, which also declined to discuss the Torrance closure.
Investment group owns them, and a bunch more companies. So, shareholders probably consolodating their various acquisitions.

Boog 01-31-2021 01:17 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
Buying up by investment groups. This seems to be happening more and more these days. Well established older companies are selling out to those groups promising better buying power and company performance improvements while they are actually just dressing them up to sell them again.
For example: The very successful family owned chain of lumber companies since 1971 I worked for 29 years was sold in 2017 to a larger group of lumber companies. The founder retired and the new owners began to make changes dumping lots of cash into it. Now evident they were dressing it up to go IPO and at the last moment pulled that public offering to announce the sale of the entire group of lumber companies (over 35 different lumber companies across the nation ) to an investment group as of November '20.
Sort of like flipping houses or cars.

1976gmc20 02-01-2021 12:24 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
About ten years ago I had to work in CA for a couple months.

I had a nice Cabela's baseball cap that I wore. People would come up to me and whisper about apparently how brave I was and that they were really secret "conservative" and second amendment supporters.

72c20customcamper 02-01-2021 12:40 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
In 17 we did a cross country motorcycle ride. There were places in CA that I really liked and some I didnt . But the people were great to us even in San Francisco and LA . But I have to say we didnt encounter anyone on the whole trip that we didnt like .

FleetsidePaul 02-01-2021 01:32 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?

Originally Posted by 72c20customcamper (Post 8873228)
In 17 we did a cross country motorcycle ride. There were places in CA that I really liked and some I didnt . But the people were great to us even in San Francisco and LA . But I have to say we didnt encounter anyone on the whole trip that we didnt like .

I must have been out of town.

Andy4639 02-01-2021 04:49 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
I spent a month in Sacramento Cal area back in 1989 to close down the nuclear plant Rancho Seco. I loved the country but wouldn't wanted to live there. Visit yes.

We stayed in a motel in Lodi Cal. we visited several places while there. We left the Friday after the big one. Earth quake man that was crazy. Lodi was a nice little place and the local steak house was awesome!

Do you cally people hear crazy **** about us easterner's like we here about ya'll?

67C10Step 02-01-2021 05:06 PM

Re: Is Eldebrock toast?
This doesn't surprise me one bit. Companies gotta do what it takes to stay in business. As long as it's a venture between Comp and Edelbrock I'll be comfortable. If it's investment company then hold on. Investment companies don't make products, they make money. If they have to cut heads or quality to make it, that is what they will do.

I worked for a company that was owned by a series of investment companies. Each one treated it like rental property and the employees like necessary evil. A few years after I left they went bankrupt, the investments guys had leveraged the company to the max, defaulted, and rode off on their golden parachutes and everyone else got left holding the bag.

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