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PanelDeland 01-01-2004 04:14 PM

Low buck mods
OK gang I've got 4 days off and am low on $$ after the Holidays.I need some low buck truck projects(under $100.00) to keep me entertained and get me motivated.

I sleeved the wiring(about $15.00 for clamps and sleeving) a few weeks ago.I did a Krylon interior(old School) makeover on the cab last spring.
I did the engine compartment paint and cleanup.
New window hardware and software(fuzzies and felts)

So what ideas on low buck upgrades ect. can you guys give me and the other $$$$ challenged BB members?

Ironhorse 01-01-2004 04:25 PM

Just a thought but I installed one of the reel/corded under hood lights on my 71 4x4 last year. Found one in a parts yard, $10 pull it myself. Really easy install, two wires, hot and ground. Fit really nice on firewall between heater box/blower motor. Course, my truck is a non A/C firewall. Total time for install was about 45 min. to an hour plus two cold beers. :D

dinnut 01-01-2004 04:40 PM

got a tach? how about a radiator cover? box around battery?

cdowns 01-01-2004 05:30 PM

a couple of cans of oven cleaner and a trip to the do-it-yourself carwash will run about 6-7 bucks clean what's dirty underneath, like the rear axel or front crossmember and if you want to be a real big-spender get a can or so of rustoleaum and paint the rear axel or the bottom of the box
you can also check your vaccume hoses and if needed replace and/or reroute them
changed your air filter lately?
have you checked the brakes lately?

BUXMAN66 01-01-2004 06:42 PM

a real cheap resto is installing a new glovebox...only $10-$12 bucks.......all of the 5/16"fender bolts that are used on the core support...(holddowns on the rad., corner support brackets,the hood latch support and the hood latch spike) these all take the same length 5/16"x18 x3/4L bolts i changed all of mine over from a hex socket head s/s bolts, to button-head allen head(3/16") s/s bolts.looks cleaner ,don't need to grind of the stamping marks on the head of the button-head bolts...... just some ideas on sumpthin' to dick around with.

da-burb 01-01-2004 07:08 PM

The one thing that always amazes me is a dash cluster clean up. Give TimC a call and order up a dash bezel and a new lense. Pick up a can of flourescent red/orange paint and repaint the needles. Dust the faces of the gagues and re-assemble. Looks like a million bucks and it should be shy of a hundred bucks by $20 give or take.

Ackattack 01-01-2004 08:04 PM

you could always clean and polish stuff. Examples: wheels, bumper, bottom door sill plate, handle, mirrors, and the list goes on and on.

Maintenance things, or try work out any I need to hook up my kick down cable. Just haven't gotten to it.

sactoC10 01-01-2004 08:16 PM

toothbrush, steel wool, polishing compound, clean the seat belts...some cans of brake and/or carb cleaner, hose down the appropriate places... there is always something!

Longhorn Man 01-02-2004 02:39 AM

I could always find something needing done on my rig that I don't even need to spend any cash on...just labor.
junk yards can net a whole buch for less than a bill that would keep you busy.

You could install a glove box light. ;)

Hooter 01-02-2004 02:44 AM

wax the interior paint, armour-all the tires, can't think of anything else right now

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