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86SILVERADO 01-11-2004 01:05 PM

Q-Jet leakage woes
It there such a thing as a quadrajet that does not get soaked with fuel from leakage around the air horn gasket within hours after installing. I know about the whole overtightening of the bolts thing but this was not me I swear. I actually bought it off of e-bay and it was in very good shape except for the fact that there is about an 1/8 inch deep gouge in the airhorn around every mounting bolt hole!!!!!

What is wrong with some people.

Will permatex 3H prevent this or will I just be wasting my time.

1972C10 01-11-2004 03:21 PM

Im not sure where to put it but a friend of mine rebuilt my q-jet wich doesnt leak ! First one i ever seen he put jb weld over something to prevent leakage i will ask him next time i talk to him

86SILVERADO 01-11-2004 05:59 PM

That would be the secondary fuel well plugs. I have epoxied those to but what I am talking about is the top gasket just under the airhorn. When the mounting bolts are overtightened it warps the airhorn and it doesen't seal properly even with the gasket in there.

1972C10 01-12-2004 02:26 AM

Ahh maybe i lucked out i dont think my carb had been rebuilt or off since 85 permatex would get eaten up maybe jb weld them then file it flat?

Bill72BB 01-12-2004 02:28 PM

You might want to try 2 gaskets .

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