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swervin ervin 03-07-2004 02:10 AM

Hit a freaking deer tonight in wifes car
Well as the subject states, I hit a deer tonight in the Trans Am. The wife and I were going shopping and about 3/4 mile from the house we suddenly see two deer standing in the damn road. As many will remember me saying, I don't drive slow. I was probably going 65 or so. Anyway, I see them and hit the brakes real hard and swerve over into the left lane to miss them. Well, one decides to take off to the left. I barely missed the first one, but the other thinks it's a good idea to follow the other. Wrong. I hit this one head on and hard. I surprised the air bag didn't deploy. Last I seen of it, she was flying through the air. Called the insurance company to find out what I needed to do. They have a list they recommend to take it to. Get this, everyone of them was GM dealers. I couldn't believe it. Anyway, they say take it to them for any repairs. No problems at all. Didn't even want to see the car. Got to love Nationwide Insurance Co.

It was sort of funny in a strange way. Right after I hit it, the wife yells, you tore up my car. I said, now, how in the hell could I help it. She said, if you hadn't been running your mouth a hundred miles an hour you would have seen them sooner. Women, don't you just love them? :banghead:

Destructo 03-07-2004 02:14 AM

Any deer that hits the front of my truck will go splat, big chrome bumper and big chrome grill/bumper guard will make quick work of one i'm sure. But i'v seen worse damage done by deer than that, always sucks when that happens though. I bet it was right around dusk too? I'm always careful around here when its dusk because I see them all the time.

79BIG10 03-07-2004 02:14 AM

Glad to hear you and your wife are alright. Looks like you got lucky on the damage as it could have been much worse to yourselves and the car. Maybe now you can talk her into a truck instead of the car.

phantom dually 03-07-2004 02:17 AM

That sucks!!

1FaastC10 03-07-2004 02:20 AM

Mike, what kind of Trans Am do you have? every one i've seen from 82+ has popup headlights. are you sure you did get all excited over the whole situation that you typed "Trans" instead of "Grand". :confused:

glad to hear everyone is ok. except the deer, they're better off dead. they taste better that way. :D

ocbaud 03-07-2004 02:22 AM

you are damn lucky. it could have been VERY worse

swervin ervin 03-07-2004 02:35 AM

Yeah, we were lucky. I guess I had slowed way down by the time I hit it. I don't have any idea how fast I was going by then. The piece of crap plastic front end helped too. There is damage behind the front, under the hood. It broke the plastic core where the hood shuts. Still works but it's broken is several places. If you look, you can see the plastic front sticking up on the headlight. The two grilles are pushed back and broke behind. Also, the spot you see above the grille on the right in the first pic is deer hair. :D

All in all, it wasn't as bad as it could have been for sure.

Yes, it was right after it had gotten dark, about 6:30 to 7:00. There are a lot of deer around here too.


you got me. I'm a dunce. It's a damn 99 Grand Prix GT. :crazy: I think this is part of the getting old brain damage I have going on. :D

low 84 03-07-2004 03:45 AM

glad everyones ok. we hit one a few years ago going 75 mph with out even a chance to hit the breaks and totaled the car:eek:

LOHRTBT 03-07-2004 04:09 AM

Damn...that is the strangest lookin T/A ever!! hahaaha musta knocked the smart out of ya too hehehe.

That sux Mike...thankfully you all are ok that is what is important. :)

Kybol 03-07-2004 05:12 AM

Animals suck, I hit a moose in my 77 and a deer in my 90. At least it didnt total the car.

Blue Beard 03-07-2004 09:18 AM

Glad to hear of no injuries, and minimal damage.

Those front impack bumpers aren't good for that speed....

Mike76251 03-07-2004 10:39 AM

As bad as I hate that "plastic" stuff on the front of my Z/28........I t-boned a full size Ford Fairlane going about 45 and all it did was put a little dent in the front of the hood.
It was very weird..............bent that other car into a U-shape.

bigblock73 03-07-2004 12:03 PM

Thats a bummer Mike, but at least the damage is minimal and the airbag didn't deploy and smack you and your wife in the face. Also glad to hear both of you are OK. :)

Did the deer survive..or get up and run away?

Also, a bit off topic...but, do you two still have the 70's shortbox you purchased last year?

N2TRUX 03-07-2004 01:04 PM

Yeah Mike if you hadn't been :burnout: and you might not have hit that deer. :p Women:rolleyes:

Glad the hear everyone but Bambi and your wifes Trans Am :D is alright...:cool:

BowTieMan 03-07-2004 08:15 PM

Aleast the truck was at home safe.

lukecp 03-07-2004 08:30 PM

Ouch :(

Did the deer get up and run off? If i hit a deer, it would go in the back of the truck and be taken to the processor....mumm....venison :D

swervin ervin 03-07-2004 09:01 PM

I don't have any idea where it went. It was dark and I couldn't see, didn't really care either. I only hope the damn thing is dead somewhere. I hate deer meat so bringing it home wouldn't be in the plans.


yes, I still have the 79 Big 10.

chevychic 03-08-2004 03:31 AM

Glad to hear you're both ok Mike. That sucks. I hit a deer at 1 am on the freeway doing about 75mph in my red MX-6 just 9 months after I bought it new. Hit the deer head on. It dented the front clip all up, pushed the radiator core back by about 4" then fell on top of the hood, smushing it before it was launched up and over the car. The way the front of that car was shaped was like a mini deer launch pad. The car was not able to make it home. Then it sat at the body shop waiting to be worked on when we were hit with a record hail storm denting the entire top of the car and rear deck. So now the shop had to fix the damage from the dear and the hail and they tried to make me pay the deductible for the hail repair when it was damaged while at their shop waiting to be worked on.

I sure hope your repairs go better than mine did!

stelth2002 03-08-2004 03:41 AM

I must agree. I recently hit a deer and it did a lot more than i thought. It got repaired, but i think your pertty lucky

Devil'S Ride 03-08-2004 03:54 AM

Good to hear y'all are it looks like the car didnt suffer too bad either.....damn deer...I hit one once in my old truck...with a blade bull bar on it...turned the deer into broke a headlight.....

but yeah, glad to know everyone is ok....

apstguy 03-08-2004 05:18 AM

I'm very glad we don't have wild animals like that. The biggest thig you can hit around here is a dog. If you go in the country, a cow might get in the way - using a car to go cow tipping is not a good idea. Up in the mountains I have narrowly missed deer. I don't like them.

LOHRTBT 03-08-2004 01:51 PM


Slonaker 03-08-2004 05:03 PM

A friend of mine hit a deer with his '68 Camaro RS shortly after finishing his restoration. Ouch...


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