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Old 10-31-2004, 06:02 PM   #5
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Hilliard Ohio
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how big a cam does that 383 have in it?
Did you replace the little check valve going into the booster?

Try rolling down the road at about 30 or so in first gear, lift off the gas and let the truck decelerate against the motor. Press the brakes. When decelerating, the engine is making more vacume than at any other point. This will make lots of vacume, and tell you if the new booster is junk or not.
Last test before removing the booster for replacement... Remove the large vac hose from the carb/intake. Clean it off real good, put it iin your mouth and suck real hard. (I'm asuming you don't have a hand held vacume pump w/guage) If air comes through the hose and continues to...then remove the booster and call the parts guy. (don't yell...he's your friend) If the hose seems to hold vacume, then the problem is the check valve or the engine not making enough vacume.
You could just ditch the booster. I don't have pwr brakes on the 69, and in all reality, I hardly miss it at all.
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