Thread: disc brakes
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Old 06-25-2002, 07:13 PM   #11
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Location: Longmont, CO
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A case in point, my commuting car is a 90 Corrolla with drums on the back. Just hit 200K on it, and have yet to replace the shoes in it. I check them every 3 months when I'm checking the front discs, and even though they are getting a little thin, they are still okay. The discs on the front on the other hand, I've had to replace pads about every 45 - 50K, and rotors once. The hotrods I had in high school were the same way about the wear pattern, seemed like I was always replacing front pads or shoes, and hardly ever replaced the rear shoes.

About the only reason I would consider going discs on the back would be running road tracks or rallys where you get a big handling boost by having all 4 wheels brake evenly.

Who wants to stop? Well, besides the people in front of my truck...
I say it's only money, my wife says it's only a truck....

'71 C10 Deluxe, factory ac, ps, pb, should be done by 2102

Longmont, CO
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