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Old 11-02-2004, 08:13 PM   #6
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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That is a resistor in the heater box...normally they either work, or don't work. (Although, there is the chance that it is at fault)
IMO, I think the motor is getting old and tired. Does it make any squeeling or rumbling noises? Drill a real small hole dead center on the sheet metal of the blower motor. You don't even need to remove it from the truck. There is a raised nipple, drill it in the center, and then put some graphite powder...or spray in the hole. Use a small dab of silicone to re-seal the hole. Do not operate untill sillicone is dry.
If this solves the problem, then your motor is on borrowed time. however, i have seen blower motors fo 5 more years after doing this. Personally, mine is about to hit 4 years on this repair...and still blowing hard too.
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