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Old 11-04-2004, 11:14 AM   #7
Devil'S Ride
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Grants PassOregon
Posts: 335
just IMO....I love stick shift over auto. The mileage is better (not like that matters on a big truck) its more fun to drive, the low gear of the 465 combined with 4 wheel low will take you up a wall, you get better power transfer to the ground, and your engijne doesnt spin up "empty" rpms because of a torque converter.

I just much prefer the manual to the might drive it for a while and see what you think....I know a couple of guys that did the conversion you are talking about, and they hated it. The said it went from a truck to a minivan, the power was lost and so was the fun....

Just tryin to give you some outside, whatever ya do, enjoy!
The Devil

1983 ONE TON 454/400/208 11" of lift on 44's
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