No, I'm not defending ART or their prices. I've never purchased anything from ART. And no, the arms are not the same, I was just making a joke. Here is the point I was making. I purchased two Firestone 3-gallon air tanks, exaclty like the ones ART sells and I paid about half the price. The only difference...... they don't have ART decals on them. Everyone says ART has great customer service and great products and I'm sure they do, but I also think their stuff is overpriced. If you are looking to buy specific parts such as air line, tanks, bags, fittings, etc, you can find them (of equal quality) for much less somewhere else. I once did a price comparison of my air ride system which I pieced together myself and a comparable system sold by ART and their stuff was a little over $1000 more. Is there customer service worth $1000 to me? Hell no. I'm not "bagging" on ART, but just can't justify paying their prices when I know I can get the same stuff cheaper somewhere else.
Jason - '67 GMC swb | '57 Bel-Air 4dr hardtop | '56 210 4dr Wagon | 2000 GMC Sierra