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Old 11-05-2004, 04:01 AM   #2
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Thats alot of questions!
1st- you probably should not be running a 175 psi switch with Viair 450's. You should buy a engine driven compressor. Your battery needs to be at full charge then see if it still pulls it down to 9 volts. If you have been playing with your air system the compressors have probably drained your batterys.
2nd- the crossmember should bolt right up. Only do a 1.25" crossmember drop. I highly recomend doing lower control arms that mount in your crossmember like Bill turners- Look at the crossmember drop post and look at how mine and phatom dually arms mount up. I am laying frame on 20's with no crossmember drop on my 71 shop truck. I will post pixs when it finish.
On the rear end you can buy new perches and weld them on. You will need to set up your pinion angle for your new low ride height.
3rd- Make your own tranny mount. The stock one are crap on air ride laying frame. You are probably going to need to cut some of your floor for driveline to come through.
4th- the engine swp never done- but seems easy- look up tps or sport salvage. They both deal with the fuel injection from the Lt1.
Last but not least- the hood hinges. Well I still got my stock ones and they almost work. with a 245-40-20 poking through my fender. I kept my inner wheel wells in and am going to keep them in. I am making a well tub to make it look good. I recomemnd trying to use your stock hinges and modifing them to work. So your hood will line up. i have not seen a low suburban yet with a functioning hood! I hope i am the first! Any other questions shoot away.
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