The tire gods must be against me this weekend! On Friday, I roll into work with a flat right front tire on my 03' Silverado. OK, got it fixed. Tonight, mama and the kids and I go to Applebee's for dinner. Come out and what do ya know, now the LEFT rear is flat, I mean flat, like the rim is on the ground!!!! And to top it off, the spare that is now on the right front is low too!! 2 cans of Fix-A-Flat and $0.50 worth of air (a whole 'nother rant!!

) at the 7-11 and I'm on the road again.
I guess I need to head back to the tire store and drop some $$$ for new tires in the morning, eh?
OK, my rant is over now, I'll close the vent. Thanks for letting me get it all out!