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Old 11-10-2004, 05:23 PM   #8
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Location: Knoxville, TN
Posts: 47
yes, when the converter is in lockup it acts as mechanical coupling instead of a fluid coupling. if you were to slam on the brakes and told them for more than a second while the converter is locked up, the engine would most likely stall. the lockup is a one wire 12v circuit, it's either 12v on or no voltage, most poeple are just putting toggle switches in to supply the curcuit with 12v to lock the converter up (in any gear but 1st) but i think this could damage the trans or converter under certain conditions. EZ Wire (and Bowtie Overdrives) has a harness that sends the converter into lockup any time the trans is in 4th but this again is not how the trans was engineered. the Painless Wiring setup uses 12v and a vacuum signal so the trans can be in 4th and still go in and out of lockup. this seems more like it would function in a stock setup. plus a couple poeple i know used the painless stuff in 700r4 and said they drove better than any other 700r4 vehicles they'd dealt with.
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