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Old 11-11-2004, 01:08 AM   #1
1971 C20 Custom Camper
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Ames/Shenandoah, IA
Posts: 1,435
The shiny new things...

... are going to have to wait for a while now.

I had to replace the belts last Saturday when one broke , and last night found out that I need to get my harmonic balancer replaced when I was trying to get it timed. The rubber in it is started in come out of it, so it needs to be replaced soon so it doesn't fly off and really f*#$ stuff up.

New belts $26, new harmonic balancer $121, new timing tab $13.... learning how to replace all of these things yourself (with a little help of course... )... PRICELESS!!

'71 Chevy C20 Custom Camper, 454, TH400

'97 GMC K1500 5.7L
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