Originally Posted by offroad84chevy
headliner and trim
i have headliner trim-its tan in color and in good shape.i dont have the headliner though.someone was interested in them but i havent heard back from him so if doesnt get back to me soon there yours.email me-
chevyman1974c10@hotmail.com in a day or so i should know more at that point and we will go from there.
I'd rather push a Chevy than drive a Ford
The Beast-1978 C10 LWB
Red-1978 C10 LWB
(Uncle Mike)Michael Henry Millett 11/5/1957 to 03/08/2012
Gone but will never be forgotten-RIP
(Uncle Chuck)Charles Manning Gulbronsen Sr 1956-2012
Taken from us to soon but you will live on in our hearts-RIP
Last edited by 1974ChevyC10; 11-12-2004 at 10:12 PM.