The 4.3 is kinda funny as far as motor mounts. I had looked at slapping a 307 into our old 4.3 S-10 blazer when the 3rd fuel injector /regulator/hose assembly ect went bad. At 300 + bucks each tiume, it gets old REAL quick. Plus there was the 4 or 5 $100+ EGR valves...remove and clean every 6 months, and they still get clogged full of garbage.
As far as MPG, in an overdrive equipped, lightweight S-10 Blazer, the best MPG we ever saw, with the cruise control set at 70-ish, was something in the neighborhood of 19 MPG. Pathetic IMO for what it was.
Anyways, I agree it would be a bad Idea to swap it answer your all depends on what 4.3 you want to install. (DON'T get an early 90's CPI engine...W code on the VIN)
On any fuel injected swap, you'll need the complete harness. Since there is probably no aftermarket stand alone'll end up with a whole bunch of crap you don't need for your use...but you'll need it for the computer to work right. you'll need a high pressure fuel pump...real high pressure if you want the CPI motor. There will need to be a return line installed, Map sensor, O2 sensor in the exhaust, catilitic converter....EVERYTHING from the donor vahicls. You'll need to wire the check engine light visible from teh drivers seat, you'll have to adress the electronic speedo verses mechanical speedo....all kinds of fun stuff.
And the kicker is, since they do emissions tests in your area, if you follow the letter of the (federal) law, your '71 will now be clasified as what ever year the engine is. So it'll have to pass 90's smog standards.