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Old 11-16-2004, 09:59 PM   #9
1969 GMC
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Originally Posted by Chris H
The Chris H. guide to shipping an HO72 center section:
-build "box" from 2x10's about 15" square
-set the 130 pound center section in the box ring gear down
-put in lots and lots of screws (use a mixture of square and philips drive, it keeps the recipient entertained for a while!)
-make a bottom with 3/4 plywood, lots of screws
-make sides from 1/2 and 3/4 plywood, with 2x2s in the corners
-screw some 2x6 across the top (use lots of screws, square and philips)
-top with a 1/2 plywood top, and some more screws!
-cut hand holes in the sides (we are up to around 150 pounds now!)
-wrap entire crate with cardboard (avoid special wooden crate handling charges)
-drop off at FedEx ground location. Bring a strong co-worker and make it a lunchtime field trip (dont tell co-worker you are going to help him herniate himself!)
-wait while crate from MN to OH takes a mysterious trip to Ft. Worth TX and "disappears" for a week???

1969 GMC will have to fill in the end of this story...

In retrospect, I would have gone with all 2x2s and 1/2 plywood to try to keep the weight down. FedEx Ground weight limit is 150 pounds, and I was at about 151 (she didn't see my finger helping my package make weight on her 150 pound limit scale!). It was $70 or so to FedEx, and whatever cost of crate materials. I used scrap, so just the cost of screws. Shipment must be made to a commercial/business address to qualify for ground.

In closing, I would like to thank Mr. Dewalt for inventing the cordless screw driver!! I hope you have one 1969 GMC, because you are going to need it!
Take a picture too!
Chris, thanks a ton for the centersection, I am more than happy with it! It finally did make it today, too...thanks Fedex . My dad lifted it up at work by himself into the bed of his F150, he claimed he popped a nut and limped around the rest of today, lol.
I couldn't believe how massive the crate was, and I was curious about the baby stroller box around the crate, but you already answered my question.

As far as the combo of philips and square head screws, you managed to find the one bit my dad or I dont have. Dad had one square bit, but it was too small . Using a large philips bit and a lot of pressure got a few of them out, but it usually bottomed the bit out in the chuck of the drill, and generally pissed me off, so I had to make a trip to the local Wally World, got a baggie of square bits for $1 and was good to go.
Of course, then the only good battery we have at home died. So we took an hour dinner break, and I just now got it taken apart. My dad was very impressed with the crate, as was I. It was a monster! Thanks again Chris, I will gladly do business again with you in the future!
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