Originally Posted by Nixon
Is this board full of nothing but complete purests.
I wouldn't call any of us "complete" purests, it's just that we (and I am speaking of those of posted on this thread) know what we like and when we see that someone takes it too far or does a hack job or does something that to most of us just doesn't look right or "fit", then we're gonna let it be known.
You're right, I'm sure he did put a lot of work into it, but as you can see, it just doesn't look right. Personally, I think he had a those parts hanging around and built it, then bought those wheels so he could sell quick to some yout.
I will give the builder one thing though, I do dig the paint scheme and I'd sure as hell like to see that on something a little more worthy.*
*The opinions expressed are those of Gary and are not necessarily shared by anyone else.