Originally Posted by ale8oneboy
I know a lot of people here don't like the beds. I'm not going to say anything negative. But really, this person put a lot of work into it. I'm sure there were some things said that pissed off a few people who like/own the new style bed. Keep in mind that there have been odd/uglier things done. Like putting a Mustang front clip on a Ranger. Granted this maybe ugly to us. But there was a lot of work thrown into that project. But art is in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes we just need to honor the energy or the effort, and not always the art.
I agree with this. Anytime you customize anything you run the risk of criticism by others but as long as you like the looks of it then it shouldnt really mater what others think.
I bought my truck about a month ago and one thing lead to another and now its bare bones and very little will be put back to stock. I thought that with the help of a highly skilled group of guys i'd have my truck put back together in no time but even with 8-10 guys working on it 8 hours a day it doesnt look like anything has gotten done to it. Customizing is HARD WORK! It takes a TON of mental preperation and time and in the end it might not look good at all but when it is done right then youve really done something special that people will copy for years and i think thats VERY cool and worth the risk.