i had a Phoenix Gold XS2300 and loved it. it ran my Kicker Solobaric 8" very well. had a friend with the same amp that ran a 10" JL Audio 10W6. it rocked pretty hard in a late 70s Cutlass. whatever you do, i advise sticking to better known brands, like kicker, fosgate, sony, pioneer, you get the idea. just anything but the crap they sell at napa and aw-shucks. You can probably get by with 200-400 watts on your amp. with the right size box, you dont have to give your subs a huge amount of power to make them rock.

i would think spending about $200-$400 would get you a great amp with plenty of power and all the cooling fans, fins, blah blah... sure, you can get them cheaper, but longevity behind or under a seat with no airflow can be an issue. they do heat up pretty quickly, and get pretty hot.
all that being said, i put a $80 pioneer closeout and two fosgate 8" (2 for $50) in my wife's Frod Ranger

in a ported box, and it will kick out some tunes, running through the stock head and line level imputs, not RCA preouts like on your deck. check the sales at local stereo shops and crutchfield.com there are good deals out there!
good luck