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Old 11-19-2004, 10:29 PM   #8
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Originally Posted by obsesive23
...But I do know that in 67 the mustang had lights on all four corners...
You sure about that? My 67 cougar had no markers at all, and they were not required. I have never seen a 67 anything with factory lights or reflectors.

In 68, the reflectors were standard, lights optional. The only way the lights are required is if the truck was a cab/chassis model. It was then required to have the clearance lights on top, and the side markers.

Look in the FAQ section, I have a thread about how to get a restoration catalog straight from GM that will give you this info...if that isn't enough proof for the inspection station, then (asuming your reflectors are original) remove the reflactor, and point out to them that there is NO HOLE for a light. You can see where it was supposed to go, but there will not be a hole there.

1969 is the same way.
1970 and up had all 4 marker lights standard.
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