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Old 11-21-2004, 10:23 AM   #5
FuelCellGuy's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Mineola, Texas
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longnlow72 and 68LSS1,
The frame is 1" square aluminum tubing. The "skin" is .090 sheet aluminum. It is attache to the frame with 3M 1" wide VHB tape (Very High Bond). The tape works great. It is hard to see in the photo but, the cover has a seam in the middle running side to side. I couldn't justify the price of one sheet of 6' x 8' aluminum. It would never get to me undamaged. The hinges are homemade and operate like a trunk hinge. That is the reason for the small section mounted to the front of the bed. I will take some more pics later today of the hinge area.

It will be reasonable. Probably in the 12,500-13,500 range. It may sell and it may not. Crews is delivering a 2WD drive Blazer frame to me next weekend. I will be converting the 4WD. I am more interested in a 2WD Blazer, than my truck. If I can get me a carport built this winter, I will probably keep both.

later, Mark
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