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Old 11-21-2004, 10:32 PM   #17
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Got the cart before the horse trying to align the doors without the body in alignment---what I mean by that is the firewall will tend to sag a bit if not attached to the frame via fenders/rad support, inner fenders etc. You would be much better off having the top in place and bolted down before you try to align the doors. Key is the rear door edge being in perfect alignment with the leading edge of the rear quarter----next key area is the windshield frame alignment to the front edge of the door frame when the vent window mounts---then the proper clearance with the outer rocker. The original GM assembly manual has the plant use shims to get the proper alignment of the body to frame to allow for the doors to align to the body----but without the top holding the firewall in perfect alignment to the rear quarters, you may be waisting your time and making work for yourself.
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