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Old 06-30-2002, 06:33 PM   #1
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Location: Hilliard Ohio
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yup...I'm getting the Caddy motor.

I went to look at it today. I had thought he said 50 bucks, but that was the other motor he has, this one is $100. Still cheap enough as far as I'm concerned. I gave him some of it today, and he'll get the rest hopefully this coming weekend.
I looked at it and confirmed it is a 425.
0 is perfect...10 blows
Molestation factor...0
External grime factor...4
Completnes factor...1

This thing is all there minus alt, power steering pump and carb. (all to be removed yet) Everything else is there. The grime in minimal. and there has been no apearant molestation done to it. Even the kick down to the TH400 is on there. (but coming off with the carb)
I fired it up, a little gas in the carb, and just a touch to the battery and she roared to life. Open manifolds don't sound as cool as headers, but enough to make me smile.
I found that the 425 is a low compression at, 87 octain!
it has a 4.082 bore, and a whopping 4.06 stroke...and it is only 180 horses @ 4000, and 320 ft pounds of torque @ 2000 RPM.
now that I know that...I'll bet the 200 4R just may well hold up to the pig after all.
Well, I am happy, I'm getting a caddy motor.
Maybe one day I'll be able to get my hands on a 500 and swap it in it's place.
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