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Old 06-30-2002, 10:13 PM   #7
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Join Date: Jan 2001
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These all seem like rather high prices for a questionable engine...personally, I wouldn't give more than 100 bucks...and I'd be hard pressed to pay that much.
As it sits, you can't prove anything about it without taking it apart, onless it'll fire, it is just a lump of iron.
We don't even know if it is a true 4 bolt.
I just paid 100 bucks for a d@mn good running 425 caddy motor...paid 40 bucks for a disasembled but complete 400 S.B. (long block) I paid 400 for my small block that is in the was a bit more than a long block too, all I added was intake carb and distibuter, and some paint, and slapped it in the truck, that was complete with an Eldebrock cam, eldebrock double roller chain, mellings pump, ARP fastners on the inside, ported crappy heads (882's)...everything.
There are deals out there, onles you need an engine yesterday, i would walk away from anything over 100 bucks personally.
Onless you know for a fact about everything on/in this engine.
Maybe it's just me....
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