I agree that with sensitive electronics, it shouldn't be done. However, I think the HEI is the most advanced electrical component on his truck.
You can pull the pos, or the neg, it makes NO difference. However, if you pull the positive and it bumps the fender, or any other metal, it'll create a burn mark on your hand where it starts to weld it's self to said metal. (Do the neg cable...it's safer)
If you have a properly functioning alt, you can drive your truck all day with no battery in it at all. I have done it, even on an early 80's fuel injected car. (drove 90 miles in an 82 firebird with no battery when it was damaged in a fender bender. Just borrowed a battery to start up with, and then gave it back. I put a thick leather glove over the positive cable end, and zip tied it so it wouldn't fall off, and drove the sucker for the rest of the day.
No, it isn't the ideal way to do things, but, it'll get it done on something like this, and the chances of damage are microscopic.