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Old 11-29-2004, 09:55 PM   #33
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Location: Jasper, IN
Posts: 84
I got mine today, and it looks like it will work great! It comes with studs and nuts, along with an adaptor for the th350 kickdown and a PRNDL sticker. Like I said earlier, it was made for a swap FROM a 700 TO a 350, that is why it is a little too small. It has instructions on cutting the output shaft of a tH350 with a 6" extension hsg to fit, so it appears that you are converting a 4x2 th350 to a 4x4? Anyway, I will bolt everything up this week or weekend and post the pics. I have the trans and t-case out of the truck, so it should be fairly easy to get some good pics.
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