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Old 11-30-2004, 03:57 AM   #1
Resident Young Old Dude !
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Nevada
Posts: 1,948
Giving Credit to fellow Board members ?

I had a board member get ahold of me and ask if I would send him an Item and he pay 1/2 now and send the other half to me after he checks it out...

My answer was No.. He's a new member here on the board with just over 50 post, He lives in Florida and I in Nevada, Too dang far to run him down if he wouldn't pay..

With all of the Problems going on, with Dead Beat Buyers/sellers lately, I'm just not up to sending someone my stuff and trusting them.. Well, all but a few that is !!! Piston,( Garret) and Longhornman (Andy) are the exceptions, They both have sent me stuff without waiting for me to pay them,, And Yep, They both got paid.

What is Y'alls outlook on this??? Not that it would change my mind,,,, But just Curious....
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