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Old 04-08-2002, 07:47 PM   #1
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Post Stock radiator fan size for 4x4???

I know absolutely nothing about the 4x4 trucks of this era, so here is where I came looking for answers to my questions. My brother has a '71 Chevy 1/2 ton 4x4 that needs a fan. He just replaced the motor with a GM crate motor and decided to fix the cooling system where the previous owner (i think the P.O. may be related to longhornmail's dope smoking ol' man/previous owner)...the guy had "duct taped and bailing wired" a cooling system together from "who only knows" what kind of parts (radiator, short water pump,shroud and fan). He replaced the water pump, radiator and found an NOS shroud for a 4x4 truck, but now the fan that was on there is too big for the shroud???

Can anyone help us out here...need to know the diameter of a stock fan for a '71 1/2 ton 4x4. I know we can measure the opening in the shroud to find a fan that will fit, but now we are wondering if the guy sold him the correct shroud for this truck....i know i can count on the folks here.


Keep On Truckin'

Athens, Alabama

[This message has been edited by Shane (edited April 08, 2002).]
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