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Old 12-03-2004, 02:29 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by jamis
I dont care to much about handling, I'm to old to slam it in to the corners. I just like the look of them lowered. I hate seeing the frames and gap in the wheel wells. But the late models dont look as good as the old timers when they're slammed. Some late model series look better stock or a little lifted. Worse is the newer GM wheel wells, that butt ugly wedge looking cluster f*** and all that gray plastic panels....
I think this man hit the nail on the head.

I'm only 25 and the first time i gave these old trucks a second look was when i saw one in the movie Dazed And Confused. I thought to myself .... thats a good looking truck and i sought out more info on it. After seeing many others i didnt think they looked nearly as cool because the first one i ever saw was lowered and looked tough were as stock height old trucks look like they should be left rusted and on a farm somewhere until someone can make a project out of them.

I personally think that the newer trucks look stupid dropped. As the guy i quoted mentioned .... wheel well gap is ugly and theres no avoiding it with the new trucks so i prefer a stock height or even a lifted look on late model trucks but on these old babies i like them low to the ground and FAST.

I bought my 67 swb to make a hotrod out of it. Ive seen just about everything you can do to one of these old trucks and the lowered look with some serous hp behind it still gets me excited everytime i see one.

I havent decided if i am going to bag or static drop my truck yet but i also share some of your thoughts on bagged trucks. Guys who want to lay frame are as much a mystery too me as the guys who turn their trucks into monster trucks.

I just want my tires to sit at fender height and have a low enough prfile on them so that it doesnt feel like i trying to steer a boat yet retain enough sidewall so that i dont feel every pebal in the road.
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