Our web hosting company has given us a temperary web address so people can get back to using our entire site and not just the message boards. Again this is a temporary address and as soon as we get our Domain Name problems solved we will have our old address back. I am sorry for any problems this has caused anyone.
Please let me know if you have any questions... WES
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72 BB Chevy Blazer
72 BB Chevy Short Fleet
72 SB 3/4 Ton 4X4
72 SB 1/2 Ton SWB 4X4
70 BB Chevy Short Step
70 SB Chevy Short Fleet
69 SB Chevy Short Step
68 SB Chevy Short Step
68 BB GMC Long Fleet
67 GMC 1/2 ton Panel
"Founder" Classic Heartbeat Pickup Club
Olympia, Washington's "Home For Wayword Chevys"
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Classic Heartbeat Pickup Parts
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72 BB Chevy Custom Deluxe / Custom Camper
67 I-6 (Soon to be 5.7 LS1) Panel
68 BB Chevy Short Bed
72 6.0 LQ9 Short Bed Chevy 4X4
Olympia's fastest growing truck parts supplier.
Olympia's home for Wayward Chevys