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Old 12-04-2004, 06:53 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Bob Moore
It is a fiber optic but not for the auto indicator. I measured 2 I have and came up with almost 21 inches. Remember it has to go from the cluster to the steering col. The most common spot to start the fiber optic is closer to the center of the cluster and down low. 73 and up trucks used a fiber optic to light the ashtray.

For the record, the end in the picture isn't where the cable naturally ends, it is where the cable either burned in half or was pinched off. I had another wire (one that somebody added for the stereo) that was pinched behind the bezel as well.

Since I have an auto trans and no other fiberoptic wires coming off the gauges I'm guessing that's what it is.
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